A Leisurely Trek into the "Unknown" & "Unnamed" in the Kilkenny (29-Oct-2009)


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Whitefield, NH
A Leisurely Trek into the "Unknown" & "Unnamed" in the Kilkenny (29-Oct-2009)

"Unknown" and "Unnamed" seems to be the operative terms for this report. Three of us guys (Steve, Chris, and me) got together for an impromptu hike that began at the south terminus of the Unknown Pond Trail, which follows an unnamed brook. After hiking for a few tenths of a mile, we left the trail for a short bushwhack to an unnamed ledge located at about 2,950 feet on the south end of the Unknown Pond Ridge. None of us were in a hurry, and it was one of those leisurely "stop and smell the roses" type of treks.:)

The unnamed brook that runs parallel to the southern end of the Unknown Pond trail is very scenic, especially when there is a strong flow of water, as there was on the day of our hike.

At its more serene spots, this unnamed brook painted an attractive blue ribbon through the reddish-brown colors of the surrounding forest of late autumn (PHOTO BELOW).

There are some spots where this unnamed brook interrupts its serenity with stretches of cascades tumbling over rocks and boulders.
The photo below shows an attractive "sheet cascade" with water hugging the surface of a slab of rock.

The bushwhack to the unnamed ledge on the Unknown Pond Ledge was an awesome "walk in the park" in a typical Kilkenny birch forest.
I don't think I could ever get my fill of walking in a birch forest!:)

Although this southwesterly facing ledge provided a delightful place to lounge on a warm day in late October, this wasn't the best orientation for photographing the spectacular vistas. But despite the challenges of "shooting into the sun", perhaps the two photos below will at least provide a general idea of the views we experienced from this unnamed ledge on the Unknown Pond Ridge.

Westerly View Toward Mt. Cabot, The Buldge, and The Horn

Southerly View Toward the Presidential and Carter Range

Chris (the real photographer in our group of 3) will hopefully post some of the shots he took on this trek into the world of the "unknown" and "unnamed". His photos are always a treat to the eye!

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John, although I look forward to Chris' photos, I find yours excellent. :)

On our trip in September I wondered about the hill to our east while at the Unknown Pond Campsite. Would be a hop, skip and a jump from the camp. Now I know it's worth the effort! Thanks!

Thanks Kevin for taking time to post a reply.

Since you have visited the Kilkenny region, you're aware that its beauty and remoteness can be experienced without ever going off-trail. And of course this region also provides some wonderful opportunities for bushwhack adventures such as the one reported in my posting. But, you really don't even need to engage in a full-fledged bushwhack. As I'm sure you've often done, sometimes just going a few feet off-trail to meander along a brook can be very rewarding.
I still remember 'whacking up to Unknown Pond Peak from the tentsite and thinking how gorgeous those birch glades are. LOTS of moose sign when we did it too, which was a bit unnerving considering we were sleeping a mere 50 yards or so away from where we started seeing it all! :eek:

What a beautiful spot! The birches are just beautiful this time of year (and really any time of year for that matter). I love the shot of the sheet cascade - almost a water and rock sculpture. Thanks for sharing this trip. Giving me a further push to get to Unknown Pond (and beyond).
NewHampshire said:
I still remember 'whacking up to Unknown Pond Peak from the tentsite and thinking how gorgeous those birch glades are. LOTS of moose sign when we did it too, which was a bit unnerving considering we were sleeping a mere 50 yards or so away from where we started seeing it all!
Hmmm! I think that would clearly meet the definition of a "rude awakening" if a moose were to come crashing through your campsite in the middle of the night.:eek:
mtruman said:
I love the shot of the sheet cascade - almost a water and rock sculpture . . .
Mark, you're absolutely correct about the cascade resembling a water sculpture! We VFTT folks know that here in the Whites, you don't have to go to a big city and visit a museum or a high-end shopping mall to see works of art such as this. There are countless masterpieces out there in the forest . . . no lines to wait in . . . no admission fee!
What a nice, leisurely hike that was - excellent company and great views! I have been far too neglectful of the Kilkenny region, choosing mostly to haunt the larger areas a bit closer to home. Each time that I get out to visit this gem of an area, though, it grows on me more and more. Solitude, birch forests and beautiful vistas all come together to make this area a great hiking destination! And who can resist a place called "Unknown"? :)

Taking a shorter hike at a comfortable pace allows you to enjoy the sights that you might otherwise breeze by in the hurry to hit another high peak or ridge. The power and beauty of last night's rain feeding a small brook, transforming it into a serpentine jewel dancing through a bed of fallen late autumn leaves. Endless stands of windswept birches rising above the leaf and fern-covered forest floor, scored by legions of moose antlers. A solitary rocky cliff, soaking in the afternoon sun, jutting out of the middle of an unknown wooded peak, clinging to the side of the mountain as large open cracks threaten to send it tumbling down into the ravine below. Memories such as these will linger far longer than another trip up the beaten path to bag another peak.

I'll add just a few photos taken from some different perspectives. This was one of those "had to be there" locations! :)

Great cascades on the brook....


The ledge from below....
What a nice, leisurely hike that was - excellent company and great views! . . . I'll add just a few photos taken from some different perspectives.
Aha! Now there are some awesome photos! Thank you so much Chris for posting them.

And, for anyone who might want to see even more photos and read more details about this adventure, just click on the link below:

It has a name

A while back ,after doing Un-named Unkown Pond peak we wacked down that ridge and getting to those ledgey areas it was decided we'd call it "Neighbor Mountain".We were snowshoeing and with the snow cover,those open Birch glades seemed like Ski area glade material.Very nice area.:)
Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing them. I have really enjoyed my northern NH hiking adventures on both the east and the western sides of the state. There is some rich hiking up there, and definitely worth the drive.
Mark: Hmmm! "Neighbor Mountain" . . . sort of like "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"?:D I like it . . . seems to fit!

Betsy: Thank you for your reply. And, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement about hiking in the more northern regions of the Whites, i.e. "There is some rich hiking up there."
Yet another interesting TR. Thanks much for posting. That goes very well with my coffee! I completely understand the feeling you are conveying about White Mountain birch glades with fern and hobblebush understory. It is special.

I was on that mountain about a month ago. I left trail about a half mile before the pond. I found an old road grade and followed it for a while. Very nice area. I like your route better. I've added that to my notes ;)
forestgnome said:
I like your route better. I've added that to my notes.
Patrick, it is a good route. However, I cannot take credit for discovering this one. Steve masterminded this entire trek!

Thanks for your kind words and taking time to submit a reply to this posting. Much appreciated!