A question for those who have gone climbing in California


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May 14, 2004
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Montreal, Quebec Avatar : Minarets From Mammoth S
I am looking for a climb to do after Shasta. There are so many great peaks in the state I am having a hard time choosing 1 or 2. These peaks do not have to be 14,000 footers, I find alot of 13k peaks looking great. Here are my options at this point.Any peaks one would reccomend?

Lamarck via Lamarck Col
Darwin via Darwin Canyon
Mount Sill
Mount Tyndall via Sheppards Pass
Mount Russell
Mount Mendel
Mount Ritter
Mount Aggaziz
We're heading there July 1. The plan is to go in Lamarck Col from Sabrina (hopefully hitting Lamark Mt from the col), down to Darwin Bench and the lakes and the do some peak bagging (we're bypassing Mendel but I'll check it out for you). We have tentatively planned on hitting Spencer, Fiske, Warlow, and Huxley, then moving toward Davis Lakes to hit Goddard, then over to Helen Lake and out via Powell Glacier possibly hitting Point Powell.
Right now the snow depth is a major concern just trying to get into the Basin from Lamarck so we might have to come in from Piute (but we should be able to see Lamarck).
I'm not sure when you are planning your trip but I will send info when I get back. Also keep in mind that permits can be tough to get and you should apply at least 6 months in advance.


Final recommendation is to grab Secors book. None of these hills in the Evolution Basin have established trails (Goddard does have 1), so most of this is done by reading trip reports on how others do it, and then figuring on your own route.
I'll PM you when we get back with details.
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I'm headed to CA tomorrow. Combining a business trip with a bit of hiking/climbing. I'm going to Death Valley first to acclimate, then Climbing Whitney.

I'm serious about the Death Valley thing. Although it boasts the lowest elevation (-284 ft, I think) it also has a campground over 8K feet, and a 12K peak (Telescope Peak).

Why those two? Well, the Whitney thing for personal reasons, and the Death Valley because it is close.

Whitney still requires ice axe/crampons