A small reminder for posters...


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Some of you may wonder why your posts sometimes get moved to another area of the board. I'd ask new and established members to take a look at Darren's posting rules.
In a nutshell, things that are northeast oriented go in the Q&A. General questions (gear, general hiking questions) go in General Backcountry.
Hiking related events, announcements, etc should be posted in Trips and Events.

I spend time each day moving threads. Just a polite request for those who post to please give a thought as to where something should go. It will save me time that I can use elsewhere on the Board, and more importantly, be easier for others to find things.

Just a second of your time saves us effort and makes things easier for all.

Hey, shouldn't this be in 'Site Feedback and Help'? ;) (Thanks for the reminder, Peakbagr. :) )
That area has such a small percentage of views in relation to other sections of the board, I wanted to post it elsewhere too.
You'll note that Darren has a sticky on each Board section about posting rules, as opposed to just site feedback.
