Abandoned trail vs herd path vs bushwhack


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Mar 1, 2004
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This is the philosophic topic of conversation that came up in our Hale/Twins/Guyot/Zealand loop yesterday as we followed a herd path upstream beside Little River.

What is the difference between these? If you're on a herd path, can you still be said to be bushwhacking? At what point may an abandoned trail reach herd path status?
A herd path, to me,.....

... and as stated in another thread, is when there are multiple, questionable paths, apparently leading to the same place.

For example, when a downed tree or some other obstacle (even snow) obscures an otherwise established or marked route, and there are various paths to follow, you then have "herd-paths".

Dugan said:
If you're on a herd path, can you still be said to be bushwhacking?
Not in my mind. Bushwhacking to me means no inkling or hallucination of a trail whatsoever.

Abandoned Trails can become herdpaths in time, but then a bushwacks? If there is sign of the original trail it's still a herdpath.

Conversely a popular bushwack can become a herdpath.
...as we followed a herd path upstream beside Little River.
Actually besides that route being the Winter route to North Twin, this area was covered with logging roads and train tracks at one time. So this is probably more of an "abandoned-road whack" or maybe an Out-of-Season Trail. :)