And then there were 3...

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Feb 27, 2004
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Well, last Sunday I finally got Jefferson done. And WOW. I headed up the Castle Trail in hot and humid conditions, which I do not really enjoy much. I somehow talked the Weather Goddess, Daddy Dan and Snake to come with me. What a great, yet tough trail. The first (of many) river crossing nearly did us in. After that it was not exectly cake. The trail did not appear to be one of the more traveled, it is a little over grown, with a lot of trees down. The Castles themselves are amazing. Once up on Jefferson we enjoyed a leiserly late lunch and views. (cheese anyone?) We made the group decision to head down the Castle Ravine Trail instead of Castle. Wow, we were all thankful not to climbed UP this trail. Large loose rocks, no shade and the clock ticking away made this an interesting endeavor. Then the river crossings started. I lost count of how many times we crossed over. Every crossing brought a group sigh, or groan. I did learn that if you think you have lost the trail look across the river, it is over there! I also learned that for me the best way to get across is to just not stop, just go for it, and your feet will find the way. Unless of course, you fall in! Okay, I only feel in twice! We all ended the day with soggy feet but happy smiles! 11 hours later we were back at the car. Yes, thats right, 11 hours.
I have the 3 Bonds left to finish the 'list'. :)
"What a long strange trip it's been!"
Awesome Christine :) .... Sounds like Jeff was a challenge and not one you'll forget easily .... maybe one you'll appreciate more when pondering later on. Do the Bonds on a day (2 days would maybe be even better) when you know you'll have views.
I don't recommend doing it the way I did (in one overcast day in December ... good god what was I thinking?!!! :eek: ) but it was an amazing place to "end" the journey ... and then start a new one of course. I went back recently because there were only glimpses of views when I finished the 48, and I think Bondcliff is simply the most incredible spot anywhere in New England. Congratulations on what you've completed so far and may your finish on the Bonds be truly spectacular!!! :D
Great you only have three left! Hopefully it won't be as muggy when you finish the list. I assume you're going to plan on knocking off all three at once? Best of luck!
yyyyyyyyyukkkkk!! Some hikes are just a trudge, but are often those that make the final peaks the sweetest. Didn't the hot & humid make it tolerable? Imagine 54F and damp!! (...on second thought, slogging in wet boots is really never tolerable!) :(
About 5 years ago I did Jefferson with my son who was 11 at the time. We were fine up the Caps Ridge trail. I decided to go down the Castle Ravine trail to the Link Trail to avoid decending the rock scrambles. The "whine heard round the world" started after about 10 minutes. Haven't hiked with him since, he won't go.
Heck, it was all good! We had this big discussion about what would it be like if your skin was transparent, and you could see all your muscles and organs... Well, I am sure everyone can see where this discussion went quickly! I'll take hiking over sitting at a desk no matter what the weather, temp, conditions etc... ;)
We had this big discussion about what would it be like if your skin was transparent, and you could see all your muscles and organs...
Actually, "Transparent Organ" was the name of my band back in high school.

Way to go Christine. 45! I am happy for you.
Make sure I know when you decide on the Bonds......I am looking forward to it.
WOO HOO!! Way to go Tine! Now Bonds to go. I'm definitely going... Great T/R as usual.