Ankle Sprain...

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spaddock said:
I know a lot of them take huge risks in doing so. Cortizone shots to numb the pain, etc. But is it that they are elite athletes and their bodies heal so much faster? They can afford the best treatment/doctors money can buy?

What's their secret?
Some of them retire with destroyed body parts (knees etc) that will plague them for the rest of their lives.

DougPaul said:
Some of them retire with destroyed body parts (knees etc) that will plague them for the rest of their lives.

Totally true. Some careers are cut way short. But in general athletes tend to recover faster than the average Joe. I'm guessing the desire to return is greater, I've heard statistics stating the percentage of people who actually do their rehab exercises diligently is pretty low.

About 10 years ago I had a severe ankle sprain and didn't go to a doctor. I thought it was nothing. I kept walking on it and it hurt for months. Once the weather warmed up a little I resumed cycling and the combination of movement, light resistance and increased blood flow to the joint made it less painful. I also got a book on sports injuries from the athletic training department at the college and did the excersises to strengthen the joint once it didn't hurt to stress it. Toe lifts using a chair or table for support and then increasing to putting your toes on a book or board as your strength increases are very helpful. In 6-8 months I was back to mountain bike racing.
Im going to have to disagree with a few of the previous post. ( I seem to be doing that alot lately) Anyway, there are athletes who can and do work through most if not all injury's, with little outside advice or help. I believe its a combination of mind over matter along with an incredible love and dedication for what they do. I have broken bones, had serious tendon issues and many other ailments in the course of my climbing career, Ive have missed very little time of as a result.
This leads me to another point, quite frankly there are two types of athletes/climbers, those who agree and understand this and those who never will, its not a slam, but its a totally different mindset. Quite honestly, Im starting to understand why I cant seem to agree with much out here lately.
Yes, and there are those whose bodies will tolerate such an approach and those whose bodies won't. It's better to find out which kind of body one has prudently, n'est ce pas?

There: I'm right! :p