Anyone know any "psycho in the woods" type stories?

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Jim Lombard, I loved your story. I've heard and read a lot of interesting things about the Ossipees and saw a UFO over them one summer night in NH a few years ago. It looked like a satelite but had way too erratic a flight path.

Mark_151, I like your term "temporary anomaly". I think that much of this stuff is just that, anomalies. Perhaps "reality" is not as solid as we think it is and time itself might be maleable under certain conditions. Perhaps there are many dimensions existing right along side of each other and they cross or collide under certain circumstances.

Warren, I'll have to get you to tell me the other 2 stories tomorrow at the NYC VFTT gathering.

Last night Jay H and I camped at a reputedly haunted girl scout camp. The full moon came up big and bright and illuminated the woods quite eerily. No ghosts or spectres came to visit us, though, and I slept quite peacefully. Perhaps we'll try another haunted spot next full moon and see if something happens. Anyone game to join us? I'll probably post another story or 2 in a few days. Thanks, Fred
No ghosts or spectres came to visit us, though

That you knew of

Little did you know that after you fell asleep, I got up and went over to the old foundation ruins by the road and had a huge party of a time with some girl scouts. They tried to sell me some Do-si-dos but I was wise to their plights and high tailed it out of there and back to my tent.

I've heard and read a lot of interesting things about the Ossipees and saw a UFO over them one summer night in NH a few years ago. It looked like a satelite but had way too erratic a flight path.

Funky Freddie,
We saw something in the sky that night too, pretty wierd. I have no idea what that was. As I said, I've never been back since (nearly 20 years now.) . I've told the story of that night many times around a campfire....:)

Also I was reading Tom Brown's excellent book and he tells about the New Jersey Devil. That's a great legend.
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The "H" man is a great story for around the campfire. Too long to tell you on this site, but I will say that he's burried in the graveyard across from the Boy Scout camp Wakapominie. (sp?) It took place in Fort Ann across Lake George to Lake Luzerne in the early 1800's. So, if you're ever in that area of NY, sitting around a campfire, ask around, someone may know it!
Also, on the more realistic side of the coin, check out the story of Robert Garrow (Silly Robert!). He shut down tourism in the ADKs in the early 1970's. Killed three students camping on route 8. One escaped, and thus began the largest manhunt in NYS. My buddy and I went fishing at Blue Ledges on the Hudson the night Silly Robert stole a car in Baker's Mills and drove right past us to Mineville, his home town. We went through two State Police roadblocks on the way to Blue Ledges, and had no campfire that night! He brought the girls body with him, and it was found in a mine shaft where he was living. Hilary LaBlanc (I think) was the name of the Encon officer that shot him in a tree outside his relatives house where he went to get food. He was hospitalized and later committed to Sing Sing?, in Fishkill, NY, where a few years later, he escaped? and was shot dead in a culvert outside of the prison. The Post Star newspaper (Glens Falls, NY) did a thirty year anniversary (so to speak) story on him either last summer or the summer before.
I'm surprised no one posted this one so here I go.....

A high school senior picks up his girlfriend in his new car and takes her parking out in the woods.The radio's on while they are kissing. Suddenly the music is interrupted with a special bulletin - a psychotic killer with a hook for a right hand has killed one of the guards and escaped from an insane asylum - be on the look out!

Well the guy's all hot and bothered and needless to say doesn't care about what's on the radio."Don't worry. baby, I'll protect you!" His girlfriend however has lost all interest in lovemaking and demands to be taken home. The high school boy jams the car into reverse and takes off in a fit of anger, driving her home as fast as he can.

The boy and girl are very mad at each other and not speaking as they reach her house. When she gets out of the car she hears something rattle against her door, looks down and notices a bloody hook hanging from her door handle.
funkyfreddy said:
Looking for legends/lore/true or not so true stories about psychos, escaped convicts, monsters, ghouls, ghosts, aliens, Indian legends, etc.

You mean like the one about the crazed killer who hangs out in Internet discussion sites, offering expert advice? The one with the cute avatar? Appearing REAL friendly.. Then offering to take someone on a trip to some 'exotic' little known peak, where.....

Or the same guy, who schedules a gathering... Plans all kinds of things to get a group of innocent hikers together.. When they get there, they find themselves to be in the middle of some satanistic human blood ritual?

PS. Don't drink the Kool-aid at the Gathering!
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Re: Re: Anyone know any "psycho in the woods" type stories?

Pete_Hickey said:
PS. Don't drink the Kool-aid at the Gathering!

Wasn't planning on it! Yuck! I hate koolaid, always have, even before the infamous Rev. Jones used it to poison his group of moronic followers......

As far as the satanistic blood ritual goes I think that takes place further north. They're too civilized down in the Catskills for that sort of behavior ;)
Northville/Placid whacko

Several years back I was backpacking the NLP solo. On day one, starting at the northern terminus, I was exploring off trail an area of beaver activity when I bumped into this old grizzled guy toting a semi-automatic rifle. (And it was most definitely NOT hunting season). He insisted I was lost and wanted to go get Pete Fish (a ranger in that district- now retired). He was talkin' all kinds of shit and I was trying not to get freaked, being that he had alot more fire power then I did (does a pair of old socks consitute a weapon?). I managed to talk my way around him and moved on, but I felt kinda like I wasn't alone the rest of the day.

Later I did speak to a ranger about this guy. The ranger knew who he was and told me he had a camp set up on public lands, I that I probably got to close and the guy was trying to spook me.

Since then I have been down thataway a couple of times and I have never seen him again!

usually I go on trips by myself, camp at large and tuck myself away from other people, in an effort to avoid any unsought for adventures. This has worked very well for me.

Happy trails
Re: Re: Anyone know any "psycho in the woods" type stories?

Pete_Hickey said:
PS. Don't drink the Kool-aid at the Gathering!

In the interest of fairness and accuracy, the drink in Jonetown was Flavor-aid. Unsurprisingly, the folks at Jel Sert, makers of Flavor-aid, don't mention the Jim Jones connection at the Flavor-aid website.