Approach to the High Peaks via Ausable River

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Mar 9, 2004
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Hi. I have never approached the peaks through the
Ausable River. I am aware that the land is private. Where can I camp if I am heading towards Gothics? Is there any boat service open to the public that provides quick access to Upper Ausable or Lower Ausable Lakes?

Thanks for any help you can offer. See you on the trails.
The property of the Ausable Club is off limits to camping. There is no public boat service or privilege to use the upper and lower lakes. The State obtained an easement for hikers which permits them to hike on designated trails on AMR property. This easement does not permit camping. Accordingly, if you wish to camp you must do it above the AMR property line (which is marked along trails) but below the limits set by the Adirondack park regulations (and not too close to trails, etc.) This limits, but does not render impossible, your possibilities for camping, given the terrain.
Wedge Brook camp?

If you look at your ADK map, I believe I remember passing a campsite on the Wedge Brook trail that heads to the col between the Wolfjaws but just after AMR property. I may be wrong though, I make mental notes of things that I pass on the trail and then dutifully forget them. I'm good at that!

If you look at your topo it does actually appear the col between the wolf jaws is just a few feet under 3500 but it is is dense and hard to find a clearing up there anyway off the trail. However, there is the leanto that is down the trail on the other side towards JBL.

As far as boat service, none that I know of. There used to be bus service I believe for hikers but that was canned in the late 90s...


I could be mistaken as well, I don't have my map in front of me, but I don't think there are any "official" camp sites in that area. Once you are out of AMR property you can camp anywhere as long as you are not above 3500' and 100 feet from a trail or water source.

Your not even allowed to have a dog on trail with you when you are on AMR property!
I've camped on what I've believed has been state land on my way to Sawteeth. Of course I did it ultra-low impact, hammock style. I am sure that I saw a few wider areas near the trail going up to Sawteeth that you could probably put a tent on.

The main reason I use a hammock is the flexibility it gives in stopping for the night. There are a lot of advantages to having your dinner on the trail or on a peak cleanining up and then hiking until the daylight runs out and taking the first suitable pair of trees to hang your hammock on.

You can certainly cover more distance this way.
You are less likely to have bear problems because 1. your cooking and eating mess is miles down the trail and 2. the bears tend to hang around the established campsites more.
You can find some really neat places that you could never put a tent. (picture a wide open sloping glade of birches with 3 foot tall ferns covering the ground)

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