Are you a knowledge-aholic?

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I love knowledge but not a bunch of isolated facts. I love the type of knowledge that enhances my hiking exerience. For instance, knowing the chemical formula of Anorthosite won't exactly ring my bell. However, knowing the names of trees and why certain kinds of trees grow where they do and in association with what other trees is something I love. Knowing that ticks don't transmit spirochetes on the first day of feeding is another kind of knowledge I like.

I tend not to buy a lot of books but the ones I buy I like to suck 'em dry, reading them over and over.

I like knowledge that fits into and enhances what I already know.

Best of all, I like knowing that I'm going hiking tomorrow.
Ridgewalker said:
I have a shelf of books dedicated to White Mountain history. Passaconway's Realm is a favorite of mine, for it describes the area before the rise of the hotels and the era of botanists and explorers.

If I had to chose one book that is my absolute favorite on this subject it would probably be "Forest and Crag", but there are too many to pick just one. Particularly considering my fondness for Bob Pike's books. Im going to be out in the Lincoln area this Sunday and want to try and get in to the Mountain Wanderer for the first time. Passaconaways realm is probably going to only take me a week to read, so I want to pick up a few Books from Mr. Smith. Im think of one or two of: "Indian Stream Republic" by Dan Doan, "Historical Relics" by Spaulding, or possibly "Place names of the White Mountains." I hear the Mountain Wanderer is an experience not to miss ;) .

I am a knowledge-aholic, and I'll read just about anything, from Jeep technical manuals to Nietzsche, maybe in the same day, and I have to read at night or I can’t get to sleep. I enjoy expanding my knowledge base in any area, but I have a particular affinity to historical customs, traditions, and mannerisms. I have quite a library amassed that contains books on health & anatomy, everything technical related (nuclear, electrical, mechanical engineering, etc), and a bunch of books from 200 years ago. You get a true feel for the era when you read a book printed in the time, not just written about it. But, I couldn’t wade through a book I have no interest in, no matter how much I try. I am also the type of person who tries to do something myself before farming it out, so I always read up on a subject as much as I can before diving in over my head.

Did I mention I have a fondness for anything numbers related? I just love all forms of math and can't get enough of it.
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I love to read, as for subjects related to hiking: Geology for the most part.

Like most journalists, I know just enough trivial information about a wide range of subjects to get into trouble ... and hopefully out of trouble. :D But my attention span for devouring every detail about one particular subject is very short.

And as my profile says: I'm into reading, writing but absolutely no arithmetic! :eek:
Ya, I'm pretty much hooked on reading Laura and Guy Waterman's "Forest and Crag". I bought it at The Mountain Wanderer in February, and am only a few hundred pages into it. I walk around my apartment now saying things like "I really feel like hiking a trail built by Edmunds this weekend." Or, "I hope to get up to the land of Couchsachraga this summer."
My name is Dave and I'm a mapaholic...there, I've admitted it!

I just love to look at good maps of anywhere, and picture what the land looks like there. Of course if I've been there, or have pictures, the experience is even better. My favorite is Brad Washburn's fantastic map of the Presidentials.
trailbiscuit said:
I think so, but my brain leaks.
What is this thread about?

(Unless, of course, we're talking about 80's music. Then I'm a machine.)

"A mind is a terrrible thing to waste"

Naahh....just kidding ;) I'm just too old for 80's music :eek:

Lately,I think I've developed OAJADD
(outdoor activity junkie attention deficit disorder)
I can read magazine articles,and man do I have a lot of them! Backpacking,Kayaking,Sailing magazines,catalogs,newsletters etc.,not to mention the bazzillion things on line as well.
But sit down and just read for an extended's a struggle. I do my best reading on a plane-I guess I gotta fly more often!
I can't sit down-I have gear to pack, or work on the boat,or plan a trip,or stuff to buy for another trip, get the idea. :D

I spent an hour last night looking at hardware in the West Marine catalog(new sailboat owner). I think I'm beyond help.
White Mtn Map exhibit at Harvard

Davehiker said:
My name is Dave and I'm a mapaholic...there, I've admitted it!
My favorite is Brad Washburn's fantastic map of the Presidentials.

In that case, you'll kick yourself if you miss the above, which features that great Washburn map and a couple of dozen fascinating older ones. All you need to know about it you'll find in a post on Trips and Events, captioned as above.