Aroostook County mountain/road/trail advice?

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May 18, 2005
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Orrington, ME
Aroostook County mountains/road/trail advice?

I'm looking to spend a few days wandering around Aroostook County Maine.I'd like to climb some/all of Hedgehog, Haystack, Horseshoe, Priestly, Round and perhaps Debouille.I know I'm asking for a lot of info, but any small piece will be appreciated. (have done Mars Hill, Quaggy Joe, #9 and Chase)

While I don't mind driving distance on the dirt roads, please keep in mind my low clearance car (Prizm/Corolla)--also appreciate any special heads up on trailhead location or trail itself.

1)Hedgehog and Haystack look pretty straightforward? trails off Rts 11 and 163.

2) Round-the MMG isn't real clear on this--does the trail leave directly from the American Realty Rd?--any problems getting that far with my Prizm?

3)Horseshoe (i am assuming this is the same as Rocky Brook Mtn) in Delorme.
What type of road conditions might i expect on the Americam Realty Rd going 40+ miles west from Ashland? Any idea if the road off the Am Realty Rd which goes a short way to the trailhead would be passable for my Prizm?

4) Priestly--the little i've read implies i have little hope of reaching the trail in my Prizm using the Americam Realty and Churchill Dam Roads--thoughts?

5) Deboullie (wow, it's a long way even from Orrington, ME)--2 years ago I ran into a guy helping with the MMG update and he told me the road approach was a problem--i see turning off Rt 161 about 6.5 miles SW of St Francis and going 20 miles on the Red River/Togue Pond Rd to trailhead at Pushineer Pond--this looks pretty sketchy w/o a high clearance car??

General questions--might the MFS office in Portage be helpful with directions/road conditions?--are the campsites scattered around these areas just "show up and use if empty", etc?

thanks for any help and just getting this far--
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No advice or personal experience (I've only been as far north as Houlton; if you don't count I-95, then Orient and somewhere on the Telos Rd west of Baxter State Park), but I'm looking forward to the trip report.

I haven't climbed any of the peaks you mentioned, but I've spent many, many hours driving the roads and camping at similar campsites.

in general, the campsites are free and first come first served. You cannot have a fire without getting a permit from the closet MFS station. It's easy and free to get one, but you do have to register with them for a fire. There are of course private (pay) campgrounds, but there are enough free ones out there. I've used a rating system for these types of campgrounds. In my Gazetteer I mark a 1-5 for the overall quality of the site. Some are grand and some are wretched...

Again, in general, the roads are about as good this time of year as they are ever going to be. Of course, there is wide variability from township to township, depending on current contractor operations and repair status.

The Realty Road is in great shape clear to Daaquam. It's easily passable for a sedan. Note that most people call it the "Reality" Rd. even though it's spelled "Realty." I was on it a couple of times earlier this month and all seemed okay. The Churchill Damn Rd. had some recent grading that made it a bit rougher (counterintuitive, I know) initially, but it's probably smoothed out by now. When a road is first graded, all the shale gets brought to the surface and takes its toll on tires. If you don't have double-ply tires, drive very slowly when you see a road that was freshly graded.

Do you live out in Orrington? I'm just upriver!

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buckyball1 said:
1)Hedgehog and Haystack look pretty straightforward? trails off Rts 11 and 163.
I have hiked both of those, trails not signed but you can find them from a map.
2) Round-the MMG isn't real clear on this--does the trail leave directly from the American Realty Rd?--any problems getting that far with my Prizm?
If you are talking about the one next to Peaked, I was up that road in a Corolla (Prism in disguise?) a few years ago and it was washboard but OK. Spencer was there a couple weeks ago and could give you a better idea. I didn't look for that trail, unfortunately some of the fire tower trail descriptions in the MMG are 30 years old and suspect.
General questions--might the MFS office in Portage be helpful with directions/road conditions?--are the campsites scattered around these areas just "show up and use if empty", etc?
The MFS wardens are generally knowledgeable but often are out of the office, try calling on a rainy day :)

MFS campsites are first-come and generally free, note that there is a charge at DeBoullie. NMW campsites inside their gates are pricey, make reservations at the gate.

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