Ashland (NH) Booze & Vittles Night #2 - Common Man, 05/29/09

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A nice time was held by all..this is a great setting, the Ashland CMan for such an event..pretty laid back comfortable good..service and food adequate..we certainly didn't disturb anyone....

Very nice to catch up with Feathered Hat, Barking Cat and Sandra, Amicus, ADKnBVI other wise know as tim and valerie ..Rocket..paradox had some good nitrious oxide jokes.. A special appearance by Dr D,,still out the grid victory tour and we enjoyed some laughs with he and his friends from Michigain

good time Rocket..thanks for sending out the post
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Yes, thanks to Rocket for taking the initiative. Meeting the person behind the Views screen-name, one always finds non-hiking common interests, from the pre-history of the Stooges (their movie with Clark Gable), to Virgin Islands to "homeopathic dentistry." Did I neglect to chip in for my share of the prelim. nibbles? Check is in mail.
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A good night indeed...I believe we had a dozen folks show up, but I obviously lost count after 10 (ran out of fingers to count on). I'll see if I have any incriminating photos to post later on.
What a sweet evening of company and conversation -- even (or perhaps especially) the conversation concerning the situation in the Ossipees. Most enlightening.

I was happy to see again folks who are beginning to feel like old friends and to meet new folks who I hope will also soon become old friends. I love being a small part of this community. Many thanks to rocket21 for organizing the event.

Thank you, too, for the acknowledgment of the story in this week's Economist. Let's all rendezvous at Le Rendez-Vous soon and fortify ourselves on chocolate madeleines!
We also had a great time and really enjoyed seeing friends from previous outings and meeting new ones! Thanks again Jeremy for planning the event!

Tim and Valerie
A recap...

FeatheredHat and Paradox wasted no time in getting out hiking maps:

Meanwhile, Amicus, the BarkingCats, and Silverfox wasted no time in getting out the menu:

Paradox still looking at a map, the ADKnBVIs and Amicus sampling the appetizers:

It didn't take long for a business transaction to take place...

...while ADKnBVI watched in interest, Amicus watched in awe, and BarkingCat watched in confusion:

Later in the night, Dr. Dasysypopodididae joined the man without a face on the couch:

No VFTTers were harmed in the filming of the second Ashland Booze & Vittles Night.
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Thanks for organizing, rocket. And, nice meeting everyone who hung around until 9 pm and afer. I got my flatlander Michigan friends part way up Webster on Saturday (I continued the traverse to observe the excellent repair job done on the rockslide at the south end of Webster Cliff Trail) and the Mount Pemigewasset loop on Sunday, amidst rainstorms both days. So, 4.5 miles more redlining for me; woo hoo!