Attention Peakbaggers! Soliciting list / peak data

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Lists Completed

WM4 2.5 Osceola - Isolation
WM4W 4 Tom - Madison
NE4 8 Osceola - Abraham
NEHH 10 Osceola - Redington
TW72 39 Osceola - SW Twin
Adk 46 2 years 1984-86 Started on Dial, finished on Esther.

It was fun, but we have so many sports we like to do there's just no time for any lists in any of them.
The data has been updated to reflect all postings, PMs and e-mails received through 10:30PM on 11/11/11. I also added some different views as requested - of particular note is that the hikers-lists table is now grouped both by hikers (what lists has each hiker done) as well as by list (what hikers have done each list).

Thanks for contributing all your list data, and thanks to Tom Rankin, Raven and MichaelJ for query/format/organizational review and suggestions.


P.S. I will bump this again in April as the awards ceremony draws near and people are thinking about list completions again.
Thanks for taking this on Tim! It's really interesting to see - we all (peakbaggers that is ;) )appreciate this.

List, Time, First Peak, Last Peak
WM4, -->

First --> either Monroe, Washington or Lincoln, I honestly do not remember. It was in the 189 or 1990 ball park. Last was somewhere in the late 1990's.
Last --> Carter Dome, that I remember, it took me about 4 years in between #47 and #48 to get my friend to climb it with me, and have a nice day, and not have a different, more interesting peak beckon.
Time between first and last, I think about 8 years, I do not really remember more precisely then that.

WM4w, seasons mean nothing to me, especially calendar seasons. Winter in the mountains is way longer then Winter solstice to Spring Equinox.

First --> Big Slide
Last --> Haystack
It took ~ 5 years

ADK46w, (see comment on WM4w)


Despite living Vermont for 22+ years as an avid hiker, I have still never hiked Killington, so I have not done the Vermont 4K. I have lost count many years ago how many times I have climbed the other Vermont 4Kers. After doing the ADK 46 and the NH 4Kers, I decided lists are not for me. Although I can see myself going after the Maine 4Kers one of these years. There I have "bagged" only Bigelow (3-4 times). Colorado class 1 or 2 14ers could be of interest to me down the road. Maybe a 6000 meter peak or two (I have one so far) down the road. Maybe not. We'll see where life's momentum carries me.

Still interesting to me to read about others peak challenges.

Good thread, thanks. John
List, Time, First Peak, Last Peak
WM4, 4 months, Eisenhower, Washington
WM4w, 15 months, Liberty, Moosilauke
NE67, 28 months, Eisenhower, Baxter Peak
List, Time, First Peak, Last Peak
NH4K - 15 years - Washington - Jefferson (85-00)
NE4K - 20 Years - " - N. Brother (85-05)
NEHH - 20 Years - " - Fort (85-05)
NHHH - ? 76/10?
Great stuff, Tim. Fun for spreadsheet geeks like me. :) Here's my modest contribution:

NH4K - 19 years (1991-2010), Moosilauke, Waumbek
NH4K(solo) - 13 years (1997-2010), Moosilauke, Cabot

Interestingly, Washington was my second NH4K overall, but my 22nd solo, and 9th in winter NH4K's.

Wildcat D was my first winter Northeast4K, followed by Algonquin (NY), Bondcliff, and North Kinsman. Back before I knew what "peakbagging" even meant, I was all over the map.

I wonder what the correlation is between final peak and length of duration of list completion. My theory is that people who do the list fairly quickly are more likely to save Washington for last. For people like me, they didn't start out on the list, so they just got hooked by hiking mountains like Washington, Lafayette, Moosilauke, Camels Hump, etc. first, and wind up not bothering about the list until they're almost done anyway. Hence, finishing on Waumbek and Cabot.