B-1 Vitamin + No Bannana = No Bug Bites????


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I use DEET as a last resort, and then only in diluted form unless that doesn't work either. I also get vitamin B into my bloodstream, usually for close to a week, but that is part of a regimen that includes meals with garlic and simple clothing strategies that includes long pants and sleeves, a head net and lightweight silk glove liners.

My bug antidotes makes me think of how religious rituals may have started but it works for me and I never need to schedule my trips to avoid "bug season." In fact, I'm surprised to learn that so many continue to be so bothered by bugs. I was once, a Tripyramid loop in June, but that was the last time I hit the trail without anti-bug preparation.

By the way, I learned of the vitamin B routine from my wife as well as from a friend with many years of hunting, gun running and wild animal domestication experience ... but that's another story.
DEET on skin and permetherin on clothing is probably best.

For more info on DEET (safety etc) see:

Additional info:
Canadian report:

Nice summary:

Clinician's guide


CDC: Insect Repellent Use and Safety
(incl Picaridin)

marty said:
In addition to those insightful suggestions, I am going to try the following product this spring: Sawyer Broad Spectrum. It is supposed repel black flies with the ingredient R-326 and also has DEET for other biting insects, such as mosquitos. I think Repel Black Fly Formula is supposed to be a similar product.

I will let everyone know my findings in a future thread.


I've tried Repel Black Fly Formula and found it to be excellent black fly repellent. EMS carried it a couple of summers ago at their Manchester, VT store but I can't find it anywhere now. I'll be sure to stock up on the Sawyer Broad Spectrum. Thanks for the link!
TCD said:
Just a note. I think most B vitamins ARE water soluble, like C. It's A and D that are not water soluble, and there are documented cases of poisining by these vitamins.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

hikingfish said:
Vitamins A-D-E-K are fat soluble and have nastier side effects if you 'load up' on them. Water soluble vitamins (B-C) stil

The golden rule we saw in each of my nutrition classes is to watch quantity and vary sources of food. Loading up on a certain element should not be done without consulting an MD.


Thanks for the clarification guys, at least I wasn't too too far off on that one. :)