Baby moose fords the Swift River

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
I saw this baby bull moose cross the river after tracking moose all day near Pine Bend Brook without seeing any. Mama had crossed and was waiting in the trees high on the bank. He hesitated for a long time, then finally took the plunge...







He finally made his way up the bank to mama and off they went. Good luck this winter!

happy trails :)
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Wonderful shots!!! (As usual) I noticed on the nature photography forum you were asking about small zoom lenses so I’m wondering: what focal length you were using to capture baby moose crossing the Swift, and if you decided on a zoom?
Thanks much! These were shot with the Canon 75-300mm IS. The fl started at about 200mm, and the last two were at 75mm. I have not yet decided on a new small zoom, but I'll chime in with a review when I do.

happy trails :)
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Thanks much! These were shot with the Canon 75-300mm IS. The fl started at about 200mm, and the last two were at 75mm. I have not yet decided on a new small zoom, but I'll chime in with a review when I do.

happy trails :)

More great stuff! I, too, appreciate the info on where you shoot these and how, good beta!
Woah what great shots !
He is so sweet, his 1st Winter's Rite of Passage
(I'll bet that water's cold)

For all of the hundreds of miles I've tramped thru these Whites
I'm sure your photos are probably the closest I'll EVER get to
seeing this kind of fascinating wildlife up close & personal.

Thank you so much for allowing us to escape to those back woods
forest areas from my computer here in RI

Always appreciate your great stunning pics!

Happy New Year
Nice shots. I like the second to last best. Full frame moose shots at 75mm???? You better take off your mama moose costume before a bull comes around... :D

- darren
Great shots as always, but I refuse to be impressed any more. That is until you have a picture of you actually riding the moose or your sharing a carrot like "Lady and the Tramp" style.:)
These are phenomenal pictures. My favorite is the first, when the young moose's eyes register the realization it may soon be in over its head. It's not a "deer-in-the-headlights" look so much as a "small-moose-in-deep- water" look. I wonder if this was its first major ford?
These are some spectacular pictures!! I can't pick a favorite, although I love the first one, just fording the river.
Forestgnome are you a Moose Magnet? You certainly are so fortunate seeing all that you do.
Thanks for posting. :)
These are phenomenal pictures. My favorite is the first, when the young moose's eyes register the realization it may soon be in over its head. It's not a "deer-in-the-headlights" look so much as a "small-moose-in-deep- water" look. I wonder if this was its first major ford?

Thanks, all. Yes, in fact I was as worried or more so. He looked like he was going down and there was ice downstream underneath which he could have been pulled. He was only under the influence of the current for a moment until he regained footing and made it to shallower water. I guess they all have to have their first ford. I wonder how long the memory lasts.

Although I never actually got a good look at his mama, she was in my dream last night. She was lecturing me but I don't recall any concrete theme. She approached me so I hid in a big spruce, but her head popped into my hiding spot. Her mouth was like a big dragon's mouth and she scolded me for something. I didn't hear real words, just thoughts. Is that weird?

happy trails :)
Although I never actually got a good look at his mama, she was in my dream last night. She was lecturing me but I don't recall any concrete theme. She approached me so I hid in a big spruce, but her head popped into my hiding spot. Her mouth was like a big dragon's mouth and she scolded me for something. I didn't hear real words, just thoughts. Is that weird?

happy trails :)

I am an expert in analyzing dreams: the mama is admonishing you for invading their privacy and warning you (in the words of the poet, if you can name him) to
"Be thou bold, but
Be not too bold!"

I've enjoyed watching you walk that line! Keep going for it!

Although I never actually got a good look at his mama, she was in my dream last night. She was lecturing me but I don't recall any concrete theme. She approached me so I hid in a big spruce, but her head popped into my hiding spot. Her mouth was like a big dragon's mouth and she scolded me for something. I didn't hear real words, just thoughts. Is that weird?

happy trails :)
YES :confused:....:)
Although I never actually got a good look at his mama, she was in my dream last night. She was lecturing me but I don't recall any concrete theme. She approached me so I hid in a big spruce, but her head popped into my hiding spot. Her mouth was like a big dragon's mouth and she scolded me for something. I didn't hear real words, just thoughts. Is that weird?
Yes, a bit weird. As if it had been written by Tolkien.

All of the photos are great. I like the photo where the young moose makes eye contact with ForestGnome. I could almost imagine the mother moose having told her calf, "Pay no attention to that man behind the camera. He thinks he is a moose, but he is really quite harmless." Nonetheless, curiosity overtook the young moose.