Backpacking Music Video

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New member
May 16, 2004
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Southern Maine
I put together a music video using my backpacking photos and some low-rez video I shot with my video camera. A link is on the front page of my website. Check it out! You need a broadband connection to view it propery. :)
Beautiful! Great talent. The effects made me long for Pink Floyd! Got much spare time up there in Alfred, Maine??? :D

What size TV screen will this resolution hold up to? Would a few voice overs dubbed in would it cause it to slow down too much or take up too much storage?

Thanks for sharing it.
Stan said:
Beautiful! Got much spare time up there in Alfred, Maine??? :D

What size TV screen will this resolution hold up to? Would a few voice overs dubbed in would it cause it to slow down too much or take up too much storage?

Hardee har har. ;) I teach media, so it comes with the territory. I simply enjoy doing this kind of stuff. The raw video is very low-rez, so it probably wouldn't look good on TV. It was just something I decided to put together on a whim with the photos and video clips I already had. Also, voiceovers wouldn't bog it down.

Thanks for the compliments everyone. :D
Havin trouble viewing it over here... But I'd love to see it. :(
Fantastic Artex! Made me think how much I love this new hobby! Going to show it to my wife for her to see a little of the outdoor beauty..Hope to see more in the future..Thx for the view..
Thanks Again Everyone

JohnL - I edit with Adobe Premiere 6.0. Avid is great, we had it at a couple of stations I used to work for. The editors loved it.

Holy crap, Head! I just checked out your website. It's amazing! Nice work.
I'm not able to view the video. It keeps saying that I'm not connected which is weird, since I'm clearly online just to be able to look at the site. :confused: I'll try again some other time.
Anyhow it's a nice site. I read a little of your Wittenberg-Cornell-Slide report. I have yet to experience the joys of backpacking, but W-C-S was a milestone for me as well-my 1st major solo dayhike. Wittenberg seems to be one of the Catskill summits that has changed more than a few lives.

I've also checked out Head's site-it's wonderfully weird and surreal. I especially like "Environmentally Unconcious"

Artex said:
JohnL - Avid is great, we had it at a couple of stations I used to work for. The editors loved it.
Thanks for the kind compliments guys:)....About that AVID...What is it???...You've got me interested!
What a great video! Only, it made me long for all the places I recognized, and for all the seasons, and for all the kinds of weather, and, well, I'm sure you understand. If only we could go everywhere, all the time.