Barnes, Andro, and Saco, Oh My!

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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No Reading, MA Avatar: Crater Rim, Mt Rainier, 8/4
The gang was getting together up at Barnes Field in NH and I figured that was a great reason to get my a** outdoors for some paddling. Made plans with BoB, HikerAmiga and MtnPa/Mama to head up to the Androscoggin above Milan on Saturday, and the Saco from Bartlett to ? on Sunday, weather permitting.

Beautiful weekend, saw 3 moose on the long ride up (took me 5 hours from Boston. Note to self: don't use 93 below 495 on a Friday evening!). Finally reached Barnes just before 9:00 and the crew was just settling in. In other words, UFC's fire was only a foot high. Good to see many old, and meet new friends. Contrary to popular folklore, The Starchild does exist! Everyone was having a great time catching up, and it was soon time for everyone to gather around some good ole' VFTT porno and look at the centerfold (i.e. White Mountain map) to get a sense of what the plans were for the weekend. MtnPa/Mama bailed out on the paddle because Mama did some internet reading about the Andro, though we tried to convince them that the section we were doing was relatively easy. In any event, after some much needed catching up, we called it an early night and hit the tents around 1:00.

Woke up to a beautiful sunny, though cold, and somewhat windy day. BoB, HikerAmiga and I got our gear together and headed north. HikerAmiga had little paddling experience, but was game to at least drive up and look at the water. Right up to the last minute, the trepidation was plain on her face. We stopped a few times on the way up to scout the water, and it was indeed high. We finally pulled in to Mollidgewock CG (still closed) and put in above the first small rapid. I had previosly run this section a few times, but not at this water level. HikerAmiga was fool enough to trust us :D , and we gave her a few paddling pointers, made sure that all our gear was in order, and headed downriver afte a 1/2 flatwater warmup. The rapids had more of a rolling motion than they had the last time I was there, which made it imperative to keep the bow stratigh downstream to prevent broaching. BoB led, followed by HikerAmiga, with me on sweep. For one who has little paddling experience, HikerAmiga paddled like a champ, never once in any danger. She hit a moderately strong reversal, but corrected and paddled smoothly back into the rapids. She either listens real well, has great intincts, or both. We got through this first rapid, and had wisely spotted a car just in case. HikerAmiga was happy with having done this, but knowing that the next 2 sets were a bit tougher, she opted to spot from the shore. Best to walk away with great memories - it will get her back out there sooner! Well done Nilsa!

BoB and I got back in the kayaks and headed downstream. The next rapid was a fair amount tougher (may have approached mild class III with the rollers). With the water somewhere around 45F, we were really concentrating on staying in the yaks! We continued down past JackKnife hill and on to Seven Islands, with that nice standing wave, and decided to call it a day. Staying dry with the new skirts was a blessing! We finished the day by heading over to my Brother/Cousin's camp and ran into my cousin Snoopy. Great to see him again, and we made plans to be up next month. From there, off to the eagles' nest to possibly paddle out to it. A bit too windy when we got there, but a kind gentleman (Neil Wells) let us look into his telephoto lens at the nest, and sure enough there were 2 eagles nesting. We got a bonus treat when an Osprey flew a bit too close to the nest, prompting one of the eagles to protect it's turf by taking flight. Sweet! We packed it up and I said "Ok, time to find some moose!" Less than a minute later we passed a huge Bull near Pontook Reservoir. Excellent! I told BoB and HikerAmiga that we were going to take a side trip to see more moose, and I'm not sure they thought I was serious. We crossed the river in Milan and took the Success/Stearns loop road (not the one to Success Pond) to a spot that I knew of. Sure enough, we got there and sat about 20 feet from a Cow moose with her yearling calf about 150 feet further down the road. Close encounters of a nature kind! This day was working out to be a classic. They decided that the Pinkham showers were calling, and I had to stop to get some steaks and Teryaki marinade. I knew the hiking natives would be ravenous, and I figured I'd do my part to soothe the beasts. I did look comical in the Shaw's parking lot pulling angus steak tips out and putting them in the marinade bag (no sense taking the trash with you...). I probably looked even stranger massaging the bag while driving down the road. Pulled in to Barnes, put the 3.5 lbs of tips on the skewers, and made sure that everyone in attendance had at least 2-3 tips while the rest of the food was cooking. To say they were well received is a gross understatement. It was just enough to get people moving and partying. We again sat around the campfire, now worthy of the group of 25, and told war stories from the day. MtnMama did her best to keep everyone fed and hydrated with countless Cinco de Mayo themed delights. This girl can cook! It was a great day indeed! Later that night we were visited by a group of Kanadians led by their Karma Komedian who entertained us with some pretty good stories. Very nice group of folks. They did much to ease Us/Kanadian realtions. I hope we also did our best to make them feel at home. Stev-O, Albee, UFC, Swamp, DoubleBow (who has a nice new avatar coming), and I decided to call it a night a bit early, at around 3:30. I seem to recall a few others with us, but it's a bit of a blur :)

Sunday we woke bright-tailed and bushy-eyed: HikerAmiga at 7:00, me at 9:00, and BoB finally at near 11:00 :eek: . We had a big day ahead of us on the Saco planned. We ran into Mad Townie on the side of the road a few minutes after leaving Barnes and stopped to see if all was well. He was only taking some pics to take home to allay his wife's fears. Uh, Townie, South Gully pics won't make her feel any calmer. Huntington is serious stuff! She called me and asked about good life insurance policies. Well done all of you climbers!

Knowing the importance of being well fed for energy, we stopped at the Red Fox for some Belgian waffles w/strawberries and whipped cream, eggs, home fries, bacon, more waffles, muffins, and of course caffeine. BoB's had gone throuhg the Christmas colrs, and hi cpmplexion was now a nice red from its earlier green, and he was talking whitewater. HikerAmiga kept mentioning that she had only had 2 hangovers in her life, prompting me to think this might be #3. Heck, I had 2 that morning! Once fed and hydrated, we were ready and raring to go.

We put in off River St (not River Run Road), which is directly across from Bear Notch Road in Bartlett. A real nice spot to start. While we were shuttling the cars, a local couple came by to talk to HikerAmiga to give her the lay of the land. She decided that this might be a bit too tough for her skills (a lot more stream maneuvering and boulder doging), and took a rain check. I was a bit tired, so wasn't looking forward to putting the kayak back on the car (sorry - I'm a jerk!). In hindsight, I think she could have paddled it, but it would have been a lot of work. This section of the Saco was just passible in some sections, and we did go through some bony spots. While there weren't too many downwd trees, there were just enough to make it interesting. And of course, they are all in the easiest spots ;) . This is a really nice section of river. Tighter rapids with some sharp turns through boulders. Not really hard, but exciting nonetheless. We talked about which river we preferred, and both agreed that this section of the Saco was one we would definitely do again. After a 90 minute paddle, we made it to the Covered Bridge on 302, about 4.6 miles from where we started (probably nearer 5 miles on the water). The final section was a nice little boulder slalom, and a fitting end to a fantastic weekend with great friends. And yes Nilsa, you are a lady, and a fine one at that.

Saturday was one year from leaving the hospital. I'm finally starting to feel like I am back. The pit stop is over, time to get back in the race.

Oh yeah, forgot to thank Giggy for organizing Gigfest. Nice to sleep outdoors again!
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Sherpa... good stuff. Next time I'll have to join you guys in the paddle - I was pulling out of Attitash Realty (across from Attitash) when I saw you and BoB driving by!! Very jealous... :)

What a great weekend... we need more!

What fun, indeed! Nice to meet so many new VFTT’ers and catch up with those I already knew!! You guys ROCK!! :)

As Sherpa mentioned, I am a novice at paddling but somehow was able to keep up with the best of them and have fun and NOT tip over!! Woohoo!! Definitely a skills building/confidence booster experience!

Everyone was sooo nice and entertaining but I need to mention a few folks that really made my weekend:

Giggy: you really know how to organize a great party!! Thanks, Guy!!
MtnMama: you’re a hoot!! Thanks for making me laugh sooo hard throughout the night! I needed this sooo much after a rough work week!! Oh, and all your goodies--woe was I stuffed which was probably why, despite all the wine & Sangria, I had no hangover!!
Unfrozencaveman: Boy, dude, can you build a fire and keep it going!! I think we were all sooo very toasty and warm throughout the wee hours thanks to you!!
Sherpa: You are the best! Great company and a great tour guide too!! Because of you I think I got my wildlife fix for the ages—moose galore, bald eagles nesting closeups and Ospreys flying overhead the eagles as well!
BoB: A gentleman, and a scholar and great outdoorsman! Thanks for making “Stinko de mayo ‘07” one I won’t soon forget!!

Oh, yeah, and Starchild definitely does exist; will vouch for that!

To everyone else…again, great party!
ditto Mr X. I saw a classic coming! Good report... too funny that you haven't learned about them danged hangovers! Doesn't it go with the territory? :confused:

Glad you're head has you thinking your back in the race. Seems like years rather than just one! Great tour guiding as well.
Good to hear your out and about..playing on the water no less !!
Sounds excellent, and a lot of fun.
Congratulations on passing your one year milestone.
Glad you were out enjoying it in good style!
pretty fun weekend. :D Still not sure if it was a hiking/paddling weekend with some drinking or a drinking weekend with some hiking/paddling. :eek:

great to see a vast group get together and have fun - thats what this is all about - ain't it?

great to SK getting back into the groove - not an easy year, but can this guy keep the spirits up?

I was glad to see him having fun again (actually, he always seems to have fun) :eek: :)

thanks for the awesome steak!!!
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I'm just glad (and surprised) Mr. Ranger didn't attend.
SherpaKroto said:
Hurt me! Hurt Me!

Better than about we wish you a Happy Birthday today?!!

You are definitely coming back and strong!!

Best wishes, Sherpa! :D
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Happy Birthday !

haha nice to have someone older than me...
paddling, stillettos, gullies, ice, snow, canadian comedians, beer, fires, toilet seats and wicker...or was that liquor...or was that both!?!?!?

hey, i wasn't there, nor did i hike up boot spur that weekend! not sure who y'all met calling themselves the starchild. but y'all seem like great people and i am sure i would have had a great time with everyone if i was there :) i bet mtn. mama makes a mean sangria too. mmm......steak too! and tons of snow. wow, i wish i was there!

happy birthday sherpak!!
HA !!!

I forgot about the toilet seat .... hahahahahahahahahaha

SK, you were really pulling out all the puns on that one!!

Happy Birthday !!!
I bet I didn't even miss guys really didn't have that much fun, right????? :p
SherpaKroto said:
Nope, just your average boring weekend... with many new avatars earned ;)

Man, I wonder if I could have gotten away with standing in front of that moose for a new avatar? :eek: Why didn't I listen to BoB when he suggested it? :confused: :rolleyes: :D
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