Barnes Field Fri/Sat Night (July 10/11)

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Do you need to know ahead of time or can we just drop in, and decide to stay on a whim? I'll be in the area Saturday, may have to finally check this scene out. Thinking of just stopping by for a few hours, but since I'll be bringing along a few beverages, and I have low willpower, might just have to decide to stay over. :D
Do you need to know ahead of time or can we just drop in, and decide to stay on a whim? I'll be in the area Saturday, may have to finally check this scene out. Thinking of just stopping by for a few hours, but since I'll be bringing along a few beverages, and I have low willpower, might just have to decide to stay over. :D
You can just show up. If we need to dig a hole to hide the body we can just do it in the A.M.

-Dr. Wu
I am all over the place. might bring family up, might head to the cape, might come up solo if family doesn't want to come up...

kind of watching the weather... it doesn't look bad - but the fam doesn't do NH wet camping all that well....
I'll definitely be there on Saturday night, but not Friday. Grrrr...
decided to hit the outer cape this weekend and do some family beach and dune camping and hiking.. been wanting to do this for a couple years now and we were able to get a nice spot in Truro with a 5 min walk to beach...

hope to see everyone at bearly live in a few weeks... July is shaping up to be jam packed with "stuff".....
not sure...probably be there for Sat night at least...but depends on my catching up at home from vaca..... :rolleyes:
I'm getting a late start -- probably roll in tonight at around 11pm. Hopefully some people are still awake by the f'n fire to pound a few beers with me.

-Dr. Wu