Baxter S.P. Logistics Help Needed

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(in Baxter you are further north than anything in New Hampshire and Minnesota for that matter)

Them's fightin' words to one who once aspired as a kid to live in the Northwest Angle with his dog and his horse. Until I went there later in life to look for a guy who was lost and realized the horse would have needed water wings in the swamps ... :eek:
Them's fightin' words to one who once aspired as a kid to live in the Northwest Angle with his dog and his horse. Until I went there later in life to look for a guy who was lost and realized the horse would have needed water wings in the swamps ... :eek:
It's not only fighting words, it's not true. Half of Minnesota is North of BSP. NH, yes it is all below BSP.
It's not only fighting words, it's not true. Half of Minnesota is North of BSP. NH, yes it is all below BSP.
Yes, I stand corrected if anyone interpreted Baxter Park to be further north than all of Minnesota as about half is above 45-57 N and half, including the most populous areas, is below. Sorry to take a bit of poetic license to drive home the point that some trails can and have been closed into late June.

... Northwest Angle!!!??? I thought that was just a keylock to prevent Minnesoat from sliding into the Great Lakes ...