Bear near Boston

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Not sure if it's the same bear, but I just heard a report that one was hit by a car and killed on the Mass Pike. :(

Can't seem to remember where I read/heard this, but I know it was earlier today.

- Ivy
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Saw my first ever bear in the wild today! Unfortunately 'wild' was it crossing the northbound entrance/exit ramps for I-91 just outside of Northampton!

It was a good size (what do I know?) I'd say about four feet in length and appeared to be wearing a tracking collar. It lolloped across both ramps and headed into about an acre of scrub and trees bordered by two ramps, I-91 and Rte 5. Not a great place to be for a bear.

I saw a cop car parked up a little ways on so I stopped and let the officer know that whichever way it exited it was going to have to deal with traffic, and that traffic was going to have to deal with it. Hopefully it would not head onto the interstate.

bear in Ayer, MA

There was a bear sighting in Ayer, Mass., last week (6/6). It was seen by quite a few people, including the State Police and the forest ranger in the area.

PM me if you want more information about its possible home location.

Pat T
:confused: this sounds like another case of media hype to me (unless the bears in question have become accustomed to being around people & are looking for food, which is a very bad omen for their future survival)

Maybe I've lived in NH for too long (still not a "native" by any stretch), but the idea of bears around doesn't surprise/shock/scare me, I've seen one in my town crossing a major road & that was only about 6 miles west of Manchester. they're out there, get used to it, leave them alone & set aside some big chunks of protected land for them to live in...
No bears here least none that I've seen. I'm sure they're out there...waiting for us to turn our backs to maul the garbage cans....I don't relish the thought of meeting a bear used to human civilization.
when I lived in Vermont, they were around all the time. Never actually seen one alive in the wild, but I have had one in a stew. And no, it doesn't taste like chicken.

Please no red squares on this one, it was when I was a kid and I didn't know what it was until after I ate it.