BearVault 300GT Turbo

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Active member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Acton Massachusetts Avatar : Baxter Peak
Hey there,

Just bought a BearVault 300.
I'm planning a trip to the adk's for six nights of backpacking in the eastern high peaks. I understand it's mandatory to have a canister in this region.

I've always hung my food and never had a problem before.
Until last year.
While camping off the oppalecent river, near allen, I finally saw my first bear.
It only took 11 yrs.
Lucky we were hanging out by the river, saw the bear cross the river, and go strait for the rope.
We chased the bear off and did'nt have any other problems.
I know if we were'nt there with-in eye-shot of the hanging spot our food was history. and this was a remote spot too.

although it's never happened, I can imagine how losing all your food could put a real damper in your trip.

So, If anyone owns this device I be curious as to how it has performed for you.
I'm still uncertain as to how the lid will hold out ( i guess time will tell)
I think I've devised a way to strap it to the top of my pack.
Cause there's no way in hell it's going to fit inside.

Also where do you place your canister?
I know 100 yrds. down wind is probably ideal.

Has anyone had any problems with bears batting your canister around?
I would guess, try to put it some sort of depression and keep it away from rivers.

Also I've considered attaching some reflective tape on there.
Might make it a little easier to find after those late day hikes.

Any info would be Shhweet!

Thanks, Stev-o
1 1/2 inch straps work better than only 1 inch to tie it on your pack.

My bearvault does fit inside my pack, a Kelty external, but takes up a lot of room, too much.

Leave it in a depression so if it does get batted around you can find it later.

Put fluorescent tape around the middle to make it easier to find in case it gets moved.

Be careful when screwing on the lid that the edge doesn't travel outside the tab. I keep my finger right at that spot while putting on the lid to make sure it screws on under the tab and not over, deforming the plastic.
Thanks Boreal Chickade,

I bought 1 1/4 " straps with lots of velcro on them.
Plus I have a narrow center strap on the top of my pack.
Should do the trick.

I'll keep an eye on that lid too.
