Becca Munroe red-lines the Whites

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B the Hiker

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VFTT Supporter
Jan 31, 2008
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Middletown, CT
From Hiker Ed,

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Hi to All

On Saturday, July 26, 2014, Becca Munroe became the
"TWENTY THIRD" ( #23 ) person to "RED-LINE" all the trails in the "AMC
White Mountain Guide" ( 29TH Edition ).

Becca has now walked every trail in the AMC White Mouintain Guide.

Becca's finish was on the Coppermine Trail. Out and back to &
from Bridal Veil Falls.

Becca was joined on this day by a complement of friends
and well wishers, for both the hike and the follow-up tailgate


I know you will all join me in congratulations to Becca on her completion
of this fun & rewarding goal & achievement.


And, take care


"GRID" website:

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Congrats Becca! I have always enjoyed reading your insightful trail reports.
Awesome job. Congratulations.

I'm surprised Coppermine Trail was your last, I thought most redliners finished on some obscure spur in the middle of nowhere.
Awesome job. Congratulations.

I'm surprised Coppermine Trail was your last, I thought most redliners finished on some obscure spur in the middle of nowhere.

The sport is evolving. We are getting smarter. Almost sentient. :)

Congrats, Becca!
Congratulations to Becca Munroe! Would like to know her favorite / least-favorite trails, total miles hiked, total time and other arcane details.

My goal is to be a finisher within the first 100. Another decade should do it ...
Thanks all!!!! I wasn't going to do it but it was too fun to stop!!!!!

I walked/jogged/skied :) all trails per the official rules but did use a mtn bike for bikespotting. I have *also* mtn biked AND skied some of the trails.

Not sure about favorite/least favorite, but, for hiking trails Thoreau Falls Trail is *a* favorite and Landing Camp Trail is a *least* favorite!!!! Probably took about 4 years once I focused (I began about a year before I finished the grid). Total miles - not sure but probably way more than the ~1400 or so miles listed as I had to go back in for a lot of shelter spurs/etc!!!

Actually, my favorite trail of all time isn't even on the current list, but, it is in the old guides before the Southern NH Trail guide trials were split off: Alexandria Ski Trail on Mt Cardigan - most fun to snowboard!!!! :)
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So impressive/obsessive--love it! Congrats....and thanks for all your great posts re hiking and skiing. Always informative!

Thanks again!!!! Let's see.... what's next..... NH Firetowers, then 4K Calendar days and probably more bushwhacking... all in this GREAT STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!! :) :) :) WOO HOO!!!!! [finishing my NE67 might happen someday, I suppose]