Big Squaw, the end of a journey

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Still got some "local" lists I am working on, NH 200 Highest, and New England 500 Highest!! In fact, Papa Bear and myself will be up in Pittsburg this weekend doing some of the NH 200's. NY/PA is not on the radar at this moment.
Congratulations Dennis. I feel fortunate to have shared three of the 453 with you.
Thanks Phil, I really enjoyed my hikes with you, Mark and Kurt! I hope this sounds ok, but it's fun to be in the woods with you guys!
Congrats, Dennis! I'm glad I was able to meet you before you took a hiatus - if you dare...

I enjoyed the company of a couple of notable old-timers (by my standards, anyway) at dinner last weekend and they were pleased to hear about your completion! Kudos...

Thanks for the kind words Spencer. After driving 4 to 5 hours up to the wonderful state of ME for the last four weekends, it might be time for a hiatus!
Dennis, warmest congratulations! Completing the New England 3k list is truly an impressive accomplishment. I'm sure you won't soon miss all the dubious old logging roads or all the spruce branches that swatted you in the face in the process. Further, thank you for being such a generous fount of information regarding the trailless peaks, and for being such fun to 'whack with. Southwest Spencer wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable a hike if it hadn't been for the group that broke trail for me, steered by your expert navigation skills. That was certainly a day of high adventure I won't soon forget. I just hope I'll have the honor and the pleasure to hit the woods with you again some day.

Until then, happy trails,

Beautiful!! Nice that you had the good skies for your (last?) ascent.
Even though haze predominated on my trek up there, Big Moose is one of MY top five...for more than the obvious reasons.

Nate, thank you! S. Big Spencer was a fun hike with a great bunch of wackers. I am more than happy to share whatever info I acquired over the years. Big Moose is truly an "hidden" gem, the views of Moosehead Lake and the surrounding peaks are truly breathtaking. As a side note, the ski area has retained the name Big Squaw, maybe they just didn't want to spend the money to repaint the sign!
dms said:
Still got some "local" lists I am working on, NH 200 Highest, and New England 500 Highest!! In fact, Papa Bear and myself will be up in Pittsburg this weekend doing some of the NH 200's. NY/PA is not on the radar at this moment.

Congrats It looks like you are pretty close to that NE 500. So there is still a bunch of whackin' left.
lotsa wackin

mavs00 said:
Nicely done. That sure sounds like a lot of whacking.
After the New England 100 highest are done, almost all of which are trail peaks, about 75% of the next 353 peaks are wacks, so you better enjoy off trail travel!
I have to add a personal aside to this thread.

I was unable to accompany dms on his final 3k due to a prior commitment to attend the Gadabout Gaddis Fly-In at the Gadabout Gaddis Airport in Bingham, ME, which is a bit South of Big Squaw.

So, I had told dms that I would fly over and give him a celebration buzz job (hope the FAA is not monitoring this site) at around noon.

Unknown to me, dms had already summited, celebrated, and was descending when I arrived overhead. I saw some folks on top so took some pics of some folks waving vigorously at the plane, did some circles at close range and departed thinking that this was a nice way to pay homage.

Indeed, but for some group of folks other than dms! Only after did I learn that this was not dms's group. Oh well!
Thanks Jim! Sorry I missed the fly over. On the way down we met the folks who were on the summit when you came over, it was a dad, his young son and daughter, I am sure they got a thrill over seeing a plane fly over the summit! Thanks for your help also on the 3ks we did together.