While living in Colorado in the early 90's, a roommate and I became bored and decided to drive to the Grand Canyon in my beat-up 1980 V-Dub Rabbit in the dead of winter. Upon arriving at the gate of the South Rim on a snowy and overcast day, the ranger informed us that the park may close due to an impending snow storm so we rushed into the socked-in park hoping to glimpse the canyon before the heavy snow set in. No sooner than we parked along the side of the road, it began dumping and visiblity was nil. Disappointed from the long drive with no gratrification, we decided to leave the park before we got snowed in and what would you know? The Rabbit refused to start. With no one around and snow accumulating, we felt panicky as we were unprepared. About an hour went by and we saw no one as the snow piled up to about 6''. Suddenly, the snow stopped...and the thick cloud bank lifted revealing poofy white blanket over the most amazing, enormous, colorful and jagged hole in the ground I had ever seen. The sight was surreal and picturesque. Within minutes, the cloud bank sank once again leaving alone on the South Rim. Climbing back into the Rabbit, my roommate turned the key one last time and she fired up...we drove back to Boulder without a single hitch.