Bird Behavior Question

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Feb 1, 2005
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Avatar. The Maroon Bells . I live In NH and Near
I know there are a few avid bird folks here. So I thought I would ask a questions(s) . Yesterday I dropped (cut down ) 2 red oak , and a huge white pine . the pollen went up in big cloud when the trees hit the ground. This happens all the time in the spring and sometimes fall .. I limbed and was bucking the trees so I could lift and put the logs into my truck . I stopped to take a break and some cold water. I noticed that soon after I was quite there were lots of birds of all sortsJays finches , chickadees , nuthatches wood peckers flying around and chipping (ok this might sound foolish but they sounded happy ) they were after what ever was in the tops of the trees that was now on the ground. I also cleared some over growing Raspberry vines so I could get at the trees tocutb and limb them.
Once agsain the birds were after stuff in the vines i chopped and were chirpping away. I think some of them were getting stuff for nests as I see squirrels picking up twigs and small wood chips .
I also know deer and Moose will forage around after trees have been dropped I have a good moose shot because of this. Deer seem more skittish. Are the Birds doing the same thing. ? I found it to be a relaxing end to a tough day of real hard work Can some one explain this I would have thought that all the racket I make with chains saw and equipment would scare them off?
There was only one tree with insects living in it it was a white pine that was full of ants. The might have been a few limbson others with insects I ma not really sure. The Moose and deer like the forage they can now get to easily as I see tnem munching on it I think they moose and deer also might like the quick escape a newly cut area provides . I do know that after I am finished the area I cut will start growing back with all kinds of plants of course all sorts of critters will move in . I was surpised but w how brave the brids were .but as soon as i got my caera out to get a few photos of them they hid . Maybe the trees hitting the ground made it easier for the brids to find the insects. I saw a hawk flying the site around earlier this morning.
Sounds to me like CC's answer makes sense for the birds, especially seein's how the pine had ants in it. As for the moose and deer, here's a suggestion. Most plants have evolved a chemical defense mechanism against herbivores. In response, the herbivores have evolved a tolerance to the chemicals, so it kind of works but not completely. The plants seem to have figured out that most of the animals eating their leaves can only reach the lower part of the tree, so they concentrate the toxic chemical down there. When you chop down a tree, or the wind blows it over, the deer and moose have access to the foliage with less toxins. They've figured this out and take advantage of it.
I was thinking that with the moose and deer It was the brids that really surprised me . i have some wood peckers that like a tree about 20 ft from a door . as soon as it is opend they fly off. but the brids only flew off if I fired up the saw once it was off they were back . Even if I was moving around . I guess maybe the Ants and some of the Sawdust . I had to rip a few logs in oder to move them that leaves "strings or strips" of wood Note do not try to rip a log with a chain saw unless you have been trained to do so and are in very good shape it take a lot of strenght to hold a saw so it does not kick back at you when making this cut . . It is extreamly dangerous. Just in case some one thought of doing it to provide stuff for brids to make nests with.
some of the birds that you listed are cavity nesters. Did you see any nests in holes in any of the branches? Or nests in the limbs?

Most birds are nesting now and insects become a very important part of the diet, the need for protien is increased. The seed eaters like, chickadees and finches eat more insects. Cutting the tree disturbs the insects. Jays show up wherever there is food.
Puck said:
some of the birds that you listed are cavity nesters. Did you see any nests in holes in any of the branches? Or nests in the limbs?

Most birds are nesting now and insects become a very important part of the diet, the need for protien is increased. The seed eaters like, chickadees and finches eat more insects. Cutting the tree disturbs the insects. Jays show up wherever there is food.

Yes I left two white pines with nests in them up I think Bats might live in one or one near by. As they come out around 7 pm or so . Ther is also a huge nest in a oak nearby it is a seed tree. and my shade. I am not sure what lives in it but it must be a good 4 feet wide. . There are lots of Chipmunks to the are almost fearless.
Oh ther was a insect nest alright a huge wasp nest that fell when a tree brushed it yesteday It was a bad day i was in the ER with losts of stings ouch :eek: