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New member
Apr 29, 2005
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Canterbury, NH
I just got back for 2 days of hiking, summiting Washington, Monroe, and Carter Dome, and although the bugs were swarming (mostly just mosquitos on CD, but EVERYTHING was out on the Presi's), I didnt even get one bite. And this is typical for me

Here's my theories on why I dont get bit:
1) I sweat like a mule. Maybe the sweat makes it less attractive for a bug to land?
2) And I think this might be the biggie -- I have a faint heartbeat. That's not an unhealthy thing and not unusual at all. Across-the-chest heartrate monitors dont work on me. When they draw blood from me, it usually takes a couple of pokes till they find a vein.

Hey believe me, I'm not complaining! But I was thinking about that while I was hiking today, and wondered if anyone else never gets bitten and if so, what their thoughts were on why that (doesn't) happen?

denton fabrics
Studies show young men with high metabolisms get the most bites. I fit that, and my veins stick out everywhere. Bugs love me.
I go for a walk in my local woods on an old abandoned road on most mornings that I don't go to the gym. I am a big guy and must put out a lot of heat and CO2, as the mosquitoes are all over me. I stop to tie my shoe and there are 50-60 buzzing around my head as I bend over. Almost puts me in a a state of panic - I wear deet just for this 45 minute walk -

But being new to MA, I don't know if they are like this every year or like the black flies, this is just a bad year for them... They are as bad as anything I've seen in a long time.
TCD said:
Studies show young men with high metabolisms get the most bites. I fit that, and my veins stick out everywhere. Bugs love me.

Whoever did those studies didn't study me. I am old. My metabolism is average at best. They call me "bug magnet".
