Black Fly Update

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Sep 3, 2003
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Putnam County, NY Avatar: Platte Clove
Today down here in southeastern NY the black flies came out. While taking a short hike near my house, I noticed them. They are never really that bad here, but they are still annoying. Its just part of spring, yet it reminded me that up north they will be coming out in a few weeks, and there they are bad.
One of the better quickie informational summaries regarding black flies that I've found on the internet is at this link.

Thanks for the update. Hope we get regular updates on the blackflies as the warmer seasons approach.

I clicked on your link and now I'm scratching my head and neck just at the thought and trying to remember what I did with the netting headpiece I bought last year. :eek:
Oh my!

mommabear said:
I clicked on your link and now I'm scratching my head and neck just at the thought and trying to remember what I did with the netting headpiece I bought last year. :eek:
Gee, I didn't intend to cause any trouble or discomfort. Hope you find the netting and have a bearable bug season.

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Grumpy said:
One of the better quickie informational summaries regarding black flies that I've found on the internet is at this link.


Thanks for the link, it was 'to the point' and gave me all I'd ever want to know about the little critters :)
Black fly repellent statistics

Id thought a just toss this in.

Bear Mtn...Connecticut...sitting quite still on rocks, winds calm,
applied 20% deet to my cheeks, brow, the underside of my fishermans cap and the back of my neck, which was covered by a shroud attached to cap.

The swarm stayed around my head but the first black fly landed on face within 12 minutes of application of the deet

Anybody got comparable data? (o yah, it was May of last year)
I have found Deet or any bug sprays are a wast of money, at least for me. I have heard that it all depends on the individual. Some people atract the bugs or flies more than others. Probably has something to with body chemistry or something like that.
Does this fall under the classification of "too good to be true?"

:confused: :)

The swarm stayed around my head

When I was on top of Pack Monadnock last June somebody told me that blackflies will always go for the highest point on your body. He demonstrated by holding his hand above his head and the bugs went for it. Has anybody every heard of this?
Re: The swarm stayed around my head

Jim lombard said:
When I was on top of Pack Monadnock last June somebody told me that blackflies will always go for the highest point on your body. He demonstrated by holding his hand above his head and the bugs went for it. Has anybody every heard of this?
Hey! The blackfly as a form of lightening . . .. Interesting concept.

Yes, blackflies will usually go to the highest point. Which is why on trailcrew we coated our hardhats with chainsaw bar oil and by the end of each day they hardhats were covered with a writhing mess. Didn't stop you from getting bitten, we used DEET for that, but it was rewarding.

There's an old maxim "After controlling for temperature, pressure, sunlight, and food, organisms will do whatever they damn well please." Some will always find exposed flesh and feast on you. There is no single, complete, and foolproof method of dealing with black flies or mosquitoes. Some are always gonna get you if hang around outside long enough.

The only solution I'm aware of that actually WORKS is a bug shirt. And even then the little devils can occasionally find their way inside. Oh, and try to eat or drink without them finding the opening! Mmmmm, black fly condiments on my PB & J.
Black flies swarming the highest point...

Years ago when I was logging in the ADKs, I was taught the following: During break-time, lay down on your back with your knees bent; place one foot on the other knee so one foot is high in the air; take something bright-colored (e.g. hard hat, bandana) and place it on the foot that is high in the air; and watch the black flies swarm around your foot - not your head.

It works.
That's about what I learned back in high school during the 70's. I went to school in long Lake and it seemed nowhere could be as badd. any relief was welcome. a feather in your cap or a tough piece of twig helps too. I would estimate it distracts about half of the critters. When the deerflys are bad you have to wear a hat or a bandanna. That takes care of most of the problem.
I've found if I pick up the pace a little they can't keep up

"Black fly attacks on people, cattle, horses and pigs tend to be concentrated around the ears and head. The intense annoyance can cause animals to become greatly agitated and exhaust themselves in attempts to escape."

I've seen moose fly headlong into a pond with a swarm following close-by. Nasty little bugs!
howdy: I have a theory that Black Flies have a secret weapon. Could it be an enzyme in their saliva that creates memory loss? I mention this because I see an awful lot of hikers in the woods in June...peak season for NE blackflies.

Now what was I saying....????
I wonder if they are like mosquitos which are partially attracted by the carbon dioxide coming from your breath (that's what I heard anyways). I also have heard that eating lots of garlic will help to keep them at bay. (this also keeps crowds away) :D

All I know is that I don't hike in the summer because of them.

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