New member
I propose that we leash politicians and let the animals roam free. Wait a minute...the politicians are animals too.
jade said:Without Lassie, my childhood would have been a miserable disaster. June never insisted we leash Lassie, ever.
Please stop. I can't take it any more.
Sincerely, Timmy
shadowcat said:is everyone having a bad day or something? post-election syndrome? wow! i guess i need to be even more careful how i say things. here i thought i was trying to bring some more ideas to the table and instead you'd think i wanted to start a war. as one personal note to me just said regarding my post on this issue (which i didn't start) : "It now only serves to anger and divide people. Can't you agree to disagree and feel comfortable with your view? Do you have anything positive to share? Can we please stop this negative banter? "
i'd like to respond to that openly because it matters to me that we are all on the same page here, because if we aren't then i shouldn't even be on this site:
first, half the fun is having differences of opinions. if everyone agreed the threads would be pretty darn dull. i don't mind if someone disagrees with me and i'm certainly not threatened by it. and if i wasn't comfortable with my views, i sit here like a bump on a log & not say a word.
and it's insulting to call my post or anyone's "negative banter" - or ask if i "have anything positive to share" everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you read my post you'd know i wasn't trying be negative! yes, the dog thing has been done over & over, but sometimes a new person doesn't realize that, starts a new thread & opens up the flood gates all over again. you can't stop that.
lastly: we've had all kinds of discussions heated or otherwise but i have never felt that anyone really got that angry or divided & in the end we are all still here the next day, carrying on. i would hate to think that anything i said would ever hurt or anger anyone on this site because that is never my intention. i like to see both sides if possible and sometimes i'm right and sometimes i'm not. no biggy
mavs00 said:You see, we now live in a different, more peaceful, less stressful time. For the most part people are too happy to bicker over this VERY TIRED topic.......................
Wait another month or two (when people come back down to earth) and you'll have a much more lively debate.