Bloodsucking Scourge

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Feb 6, 2009
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Lakes Region NH
check out this cool Black Fly video.

This is for Barking Cat and all of us who will suffer these pests this spring

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Thanks! That video is great fun and the stout looks like something to hunt down.

Had my first bite yesterday -- mowing the lawn on April 22! No, the %$#! little miscreant won't be reproducing. :D But I am predicting a bumper crop of its siblings and cousins, based on the history of the (faux) winter and the spring melt this time around.

R.I.P. Winter. We hardly knew ye this year in these parts. The customary six months of mourning will now commence. :(
But I am predicting a bumper crop of its siblings and cousins, based on the history of the (faux) winter and the spring melt this time around.

Could this be blackflies hatching? There were millions of the little buggers in the snowmelt on our recent Belknap Traverse

Thanks -- that video/song was much appreciated.

I look like the walking wounded from the black fly bites from the photography hike a few days ago. I'd stop to set up for some flower shots and get bitten a bazillion times in the process -- not much to do other than grin, bear it, and also take a few of them down with the ship.

Guess I'll be seeing these little buggers until the fall...oh, well.

P.S. -- I'll need to get me some of that stout, too...!
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