Body parts in peak names?

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Mount Mansfield, Vermont: The Forehead, Nose, Chin & Adam's Apple
Camel's Hump
Elephant's Head (just north of Mansfield - though not a peak)
Bone Mtn (in Bolton, Vt)
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I'm waiting for the General Backcountry index to juxtapose this thread and John Swanson's thread "My Tarp is Getting Sticky" (which I won't open out of basic fear). That'll make my day. :D:eek::eek:

Back on Track here:

Imp Face
Cooley Hill
Shepard's Tooth
Little Finger
The Ellenbogen is a 814-metre high extinct volcano. I believe "ellenbogen" is German for "elbow."

Hi Paradox. As you may already know I am a doctor of chiropractic and have spent countless hours doing human dissection. I have also spent innumerable hours (and continue to refresh my knowledge on a regular basis) studying human anatomy. Furthermore, I work with applied human anatomy day in, day out in my office.

I cannot recall any human anatomical structure that bears the name of Dix. Just to make sure I verified in my dusty old anatomy text books and went on-line to the anatomy department of the Quebec school of chiropractic.

Still nothing.

Perhaps you could post a drawing of this (unknown to me) anatomical structure.

Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
The Uncanoonucs, two rounded mounds rising 700' above the terrain just west of Manchester, NH...
Uncanoonuc, in the Native American vernacular, refers to "the upper portion of the female anatomy."
Saddleback, the Horn (ME)
Big Rosy Bone Knob (NY-gunks/cats)
Anthony's Nose (NY Bear Mtn)
Gertrude's Nose (NY Gunks)
Breakneck Ridge (NY Hudson Highlands)
Fingerboard Mtn (NY Harriman)
Three Fingered Jack (OR- cascades)