Boston Beer Night to Celebrate Mats 48 Direct?

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Based on the commuter rail schedule, I think we'll be there in the 6:15 -> 6:30 range. Gotta run that by una_dogger to be sure.
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Looks like I'll have to miss this one. Heading to the doctors for x-rays at 3:00, and hopefully to have the splints on my hand removed!

Perhaps I can hoist one with my left hand tomorrow night........ :)
Hey, this is on my way home...will go for a little sleep deprived after my weekend ADK trip and arriving back in Mass at 1:30am but this sounds like fun and a nice chance to congratulate Mats and see my friends...

I was actually planning on making the drive and just showing up tonight and then working from the Boston area tomorrow... but unfortunately things just can't work out that way and I'm tied up tonight.
Anywell... enjoy the drinks!
Thanks everyone for coming! I counted 22 people at one point. Mtnmama, mtnpa, hikeramiga, skimom, arm, giggy, David Metsky, 7summits, hamtero and his wife, Michael J and Sabrina, David P., Van, Bryan, Jon, Linda (Swedish), Ron (also Swedish), a couple of dudes I forgot the names of, this dude from rocks on the top, Barry.....that would be 23 with myself....I bet I forgot someone is a bit of history and translation of the Swedish drinking song we sang:

Swedish drinking song:
Helan går, sjung "hoppfadirallanlallanlej"
helan går, sjung "hoppfadirallanlej."
Den som inte helan tar,
han heller inte halvan får,
helan gååååååååååår!
*klunk* *klunk* *klunk* (that means: Drink here!)
sjung "hoppfadirallanlej".

The whole is going, sing "hoppfadirallanlallanlej"
The whole is going, sing ""hoppfadirallanlej."
And the one who doesn't take the whole,
he doesn't get the half either!
The whole is goooooooing!
*klunk* *klunk* *klunk*
sing "hoppfadirallanlallanlej"

This is the most famous Swedish snapssång (a song that you sing before taking a snaps (vodka)). Every Swede knows this, even if some of them sing it a little different.
This is the first song in the tradition that says when the guest arrive you give them a glass of (for example) 12 cl of vodka (snaps, not pure, but tasty and still strong). This one is called "Helan" (the whole, the big one). Then they can drink as much as they want, but the second drink has to be "Halvan" (the half) which is 6 cl. Then 3 cl, 1,5 cl, 0.75cl... So the guests never drink more than 23.9999 cl.
Whoa! We musta gone home to early and missed learning that fine song!

Great time, Mats!!!!
I don't know if any of my future trips to Boston will measure up to last night -- but I'll try.

Mats...had a great time last night.
Met alot of new I can't
believe I made it to work today.
I lost Giggy in the crowd..has anyone seen him???
Mats your a tough act to follow!!!!! :)
mtnmama said:
I lost Giggy in the crowd..has anyone seen him???
He and I took off together......he towards Back Bay station and I went to Arlington. Haven't heard from him today yet, but he knows how to party and when to stop drinking.....he didn't finish Guiness nr 14......someone else finished for him though ;)
Mats Roing said:
mtnmama said:
I lost Giggy in the crowd..has anyone seen him???
He and I took off together......he towards Back Bay station and I went to Arlington. Haven't heard from him today yet, but he knows how to party and when to stop drinking.....he didn't finish Guiness nr 14......someone else finished for him though ;)

lets just say it was a long day at work........ ;)

never learn, always say gonna be home early and always end up getting that last train home. was not easy getting up today
giggy said:
lets just say it was a long day at work........ ;)

Thanks giggy for putting this event on and for spending about the same amount of time at the bar as it takes Tim Seaver to do a Pressie Traverse :D

Also a special thank you to Lloyd (aka hamtero) for coming in on crutches shortly after his operation. A true friend who also kept looking for me in the Northern Presidentials in wind and rain (shortly before the operation!).
Very nice to meet his wife again as well.
I didn't want to make you too sad but I had 4 Dogfish IPA's and 2 Imperial IPA's iced in my car at Castle trailhead. I had to drink them by myself. :eek:
I agree - thanks to Giggy for setting this up and to everyone for attending; it was wonderful to meet new faces as well as revisit with familiar ones.