Boston Globe review of Waterman book

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I'm about 50 pages into the far so good.
The review does seem to land hard on her writing style.

I know there is a whole thing about keeping a list of this and that..I see it here and on most any hiking page.
My first introduction to keeping lists was with people who go birding...lists are something I've never quite understood, but, I could see how taken to extremes it could become...well... extreme.

I do find the book hard to put down, I think it would be very difficult for her to put into words the life she has lived so uniquely.
good reading

Now that I've just finished reading her book I thought it was very nicely done.
I would much rather read the book than the review of the book which, to me just seemed like nit picking.
She doesn't shy away from the subject of his death or calling it what it was...a suicide.
I think she has lived a remarakable life and will continue to do so.
She makes no pretense to having lived a perfect life, but it is certainly a life of commitment.
I think others will enjoy the book as well.
I finished the book, too. I also thought Maloof's review was overly picky and not very well written itself. In fact, I found myself thinking, "is he kidding" more than once with his trying-too-hard-to-be-cute metaphors. Being neither a writer, nor a reviewer myself, I will leave my foot only partially in my mouth and leave it at that.

As for Laura's book, I thought it was both splendid and depressing. I thought it wonderful that she so eloquently acknowledged both her devotion and submission to Guy's lifestyle. However, after finishing the book and thinking back about it, I realized the whole book was yet another example of her letting her world revolve around someone else's.

Having read all their other books, and having had the chance to spend a day with Laura at Barra in 2001, I was most pleased to get another perspective on their collective great life!

I wish Laura all the best...
