Boston Potluck Saturday, November 4

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DougPaul said: may find the potluck boring--Pat and Audrey's house is on a flat area.
With this crowd? Not a chance - especially since it's all about vicarious livin these days. Besides, I've gone over backwards a couple of times doing wheelies already and my kitchen is pretty flat, for a split second there is all kinds of excitement going on :eek: :D
DougPaul said:
.you may find the potluck boring--Pat and Audrey's house is on a flat area.
With this crowd? Not a chance - especially since it's all about vicarious livin these days. Besides, I've gone over backwards a couple of times doing wheelies already and my kitchen is pretty flat, for a split second there is all kinds of excitement going on :eek: :D
If needed, there is a hill ~.5mi away, but you will have to find someone to push you up it first...


This is getting better and better!

BriFly, you're more than welcome to join in, it'll be nice to meet some new faces - Ridgewalker too.

Everyone who needs directions, please e-mail me:

Steve, there are only 3 steps into the house - and we've gained some experience over the years hoisting in the disabled. Besides, Carmel will be coming, and she's now fully certified to assist the halt and the lame.

Seema, if you could provide one of your fabulous vegetarian dishes to counteract the chili and the pasta/sausage we're making, that would be great.
DougPaul said:
if needed, there is a hill ~.5mi away, but you will have to find someone to push you up it first...
I can see the headline now: "Caveman crashes wheelchair into oncoming Mack Truck" :eek:

Probably a good thing I'm taking some time off from drinking while I heal.....I'd probably be looking for volunteers right around midnight, "Come on, I got my headlamp on, I'll be fine!" :D

Audrey, plan on me being one of those that won't leave - I've got a ride down lined up with one person and a ride up lined down with another :confused: that's going to be staying with their significant other elsewhere that night......I'll bring a bag and a toothbrush ~:) SUPER PSYCHED :)~

What can I plan on bringin to this gathering? Appetizer? Desert? Let me know.....
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audrey said:
Carmel will be coming, and she's now fully certified to assist the halt and the lame.

too funny!!!! it IS true tho, but i thought i was on vacation while he's in hawaii!!!

Seema....are you making some guac????? you make the BEST guac!!!!!!

i'll bring the tostitos for it for sure...if you are!

this is going to be so fun!
audrey said:
Seema, if you could provide one of your fabulous vegetarian dishes to counteract the chili and the pasta/sausage we're making, that would be great.

Audrey, Consider it done . . . I will bring a test run for the next gourmet hut trip :)

Carmel said:
Seema....are you making some guac????? you make the BEST guac!!!!!!

i'll bring the tostitos for it for sure...if you are!

Carm, if I find avocados at the grocery store, you got it . . . cuz, flattery will get you everywhere :D
BTW, is that your phone ringing? I am calling back you right now :)
Carmel said:
.......i thought i was on vacation while he's in hawaii!!
No no, I'M the one that's on vacation.....or call it a sabatical if you will :D Course I'm not sure how I feel about being called "halt and lame" :eek:

Nice job on the flattery by the way....if her foods even close to as good as everybody raves it is I can feel myself getting fatter already!
Seema's guac would go really well with the 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-layer dip (depending on how ambitious I am next Saturday) that I am planning on bringing again...(hint, hint)!! :)

Audrey and Pat, you are so generous to host this potluck, which is sure to be the most fabulous gathering!

Looking forward to seeing everyone...and Kevin is too!

audrey said:
Carmel will be coming, and she's now fully certified to assist the halt and the lame.

She got plenty of practice with the lame with her old boyfriend.

I'd bring some kalua pig, but it would be cold by the time I got there. Besides, I am going to eat it all myself.

- darren
kaluha pig ... is that a substitute for the doctor?

Seema, if you're looking for fresh anything try Russo's on Pleasant Street in Watertown.
Alas, I can't make it that night, a friend's birthday party conflicts. Have fun and everyone pet the most wonderfulest dog in the world for me.

I would like to attend (with my fiancée). I look forward to meeting some of the other VFTT folks.
Sounds like you will have have a good time. I would love to be able to attend and meet more of our fellow VFTT'rs as well but Kim and I are having our own very small party to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary on saturday night!
I'm looking for a reason...

not to drive out for this!!

The thinking is that too many of my favorite hiking friends are gathered together with a complement of Pat's pasta on Saturday nite! And, a VFTT pot-luck... (add to that that Mary Jo just left for Florida for 10 days... )

I'm supposed to close the cottage, but the weather is going to be nice next week, so that could be put off...

I think I'll need to travel with Cooper, my canine companion, though. Alison has plans to be at a friend's house to complete a school project...

Get dressed for the party, drive to party, leave party and drive home. Sounds easy, just some parts that are longer than others (ha!)

I'm soooo on the fence -- will someone push me off, please???

Go ahead... tell me to stay home!!
bubba said:
Looking for a reason not to drive out for this!!......Go ahead... tell me to stay home!!

Good luck with that, if you were an @#$hole maybe I'd pipe up but you've been pretty nice to me so far.....

Bring brownies, extra for me to take home too! :D Or I will tell you to stay home next year! ;)
I agree with Unfrozencaveman! You've been pretty nice to me, too ;) :D . I think brownies would be just perfect!