Brand New VT Map Quiz!

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Ok. So here are the ones that have been answered.

1. Monadnock
2. Stamford LT/AT peak
3. Nebraska Notch
4. Ascutney aka Carrigain
6. Grass/Spruce
7. Tillotson
8. Pisgah
9. Eagle

Papa Bear, I'll admit I took some photoshop liberties in making #5 a few hundred feet taller. It's not the USGS' fault. I also know you've been there.

2 more!
Pamola said:
Papa Bear, I'll admit I took some photoshop liberties in making #5 a few hundred feet taller. It's not the USGS' fault. I also know you've been there.

2 more!
#5, Oh yeah, that one. Not my favorite, but Audrey and Mohamed sure had some fun there a few days after we did it. They should guess this one!
Pamola said:
4. Ascutney aka Carrigain
Damn, I got it right! But wait a minute... I pass Ascutney while driving North on Rt. 91 on my way to Carrigain. I must be seriously going out of my way.

-Dr. Wu
marchowes said:
C'mon southern VT folks! #10 isnt hard :) you've driven past it a million times!!

If I've driven by it once, I've driven by it 9 times (by the same route). I took some some knocks trying to figure out #5.
Actually, I think #5 is Vose Spur, I can tell because there's no fire tower.
#5 is tough, you might need to butter Pamola up to actually get the answer. Its like being in a field of confusion while spending time at the school of hard knocks.

If only we had some sort of signal from him to help us out, something to spruce this thread up.
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PigPen already answered #5, you needed to also take 600' off the lower peak to fool me

One of my more memorable VT hikes, 2 county HP before I knew what they were, a named peak, another 3k, plus the unnamed VT 200 shown - and watched beavers in the pond in that col
marchowes said:
#5 is tough, you might need to butter Pamola up to actually get the answer. Its like being in a field of confusion while spending time at the school of hard knocks.

If only we had some sort of signal from him to help us out, something to spruce this thread up.
The key to #5 is actually that line going along the top at the top right corner. But don't try to mix Apples and Oranges.
It's funny how my VT gazetteer just doesn't quite look like these clips from the topo maps. Huh. And I hike with this thing!?! The topos just have too much detail, gets confusing. ;) Just kidding. It's all I've got here at work for quick perusal. I was knocking around that area for number 5 but felt like I was getting the wrong signals from my gazetteer. I was actually looking up around East Mountain and almost convinced myself it was that one. Except it didn't have the nice county line markers as PB pointed out.
Thanks to the insight of PB, hint from Pig Pen and additional bread, butter and knock clues, I'll place the official check mark next to #5.

Butterfield Mtn in the Knox range.
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I see many hints but no definitive answers for #10.
So, yeah, Phil, "9" is the key, eh?... Mt. Olga, just south rte. 9....
Three cheers for Pamola for this one.

And the one answer per person rule is a good one (even if certain individuals couldn't help but give non-answer answers in the form of hints! - not me of course :D )

Ands let's get together and send Toe Cozy instructions on using Topozone so she can get rid of her DeLorme. :D :D :D
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I know how to use topozone, kind of. I'm just a physical presence kind of person. I was doing a lot of scanning over larger distances for ideas, hints, clues. I can't do that as easily on topo zone as on a larger format piece of paper.

Is there a better way to use it that I don't know about? Like, can you have access to large sections of a quad map all at once? The Libre Map project is a little better for how my brain works (or doesn't work), but still...I'm old fashioned, what can I say.

This was a lot of fun. Thanks Pamola.
Toe Cozy said:
I know how to use topozone, kind of. I'm just a physical presence kind of person. I was doing a lot of scanning over larger distances for ideas, hints, clues. I can't do that as easily on topo zone as on a larger format piece of paper.

Is there a better way to use it that I don't know about? Like, can you have access to large sections of a quad map all at once? The Libre Map project is a little better for how my brain works (or doesn't work), but still...I'm old fashioned, what can I say.

This was a lot of fun. Thanks Pamola.
Of course I was joshing you Toe Cozy. Too tell the truth, I like paper maps too. I have tons of them including a 1956 15' quad of Katahdin which I cherish.

In Topozone I usually set it to 1:250,000 or 1:500,000 scale with large size and scan an area. Like you could scan from Bennington to Brattleboro along Route 9 in 3 clicks and then zoom in to 1:48000 just east of Wilmington (remember the "ngton") and find where the highway wiggles just so and spot the answer to #10. Play with the map scale and you can find your way pretty quickly.

Google maps is also good but it has no topo map type - but I put that in on a version I use for Benchmarks so that works well too.

But the main thing is having fun, and that we all did.
I know a fellow kidder when I see one PB! :D

That "ngton" clue was great. Situated where it was near that road I was convinced we were looking at Rte. 9 near Bennington or Wilmington. That's when I went out to my car to get my Gazetteer. But Mt. Olga just didn't look quite the same there as it did on the topo. Close enough and with the other clues to call it a match, tho!

It's fun to know of other people who cherish maps so much!
Good job y'all! Cookies and greenies will be forthcoming. Come to Barnes field and I'll have baked goods. If you don't come, they'll go stale.

PB, my 1927, revised in 1949 version on the Katahdin quad is also my prized possession. I'm just waiting to get it framed (Jason. you out there? vftt discount?). I am, and always will be a son of Maine. Vermont has been an amazing surrogate host and parent. Both are amazing states.

Til next time folks!
Pamola, going latent and/or underground. muahhahahaha. Betcha can't find me. except marc, who always seems to find my couch around 9pm.
