Breaking Your New Year Resolutions

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Which Resolutions Will You Not Keep!

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Little Rickie

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Dec 13, 2007
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Rochester, New York
Most of us will be making New Year resolutions in the next few days. How many of us will actually be keeping them. The intent is on personal reflection and maybe some self-degenerating humor. :)
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ok. i actually have to comment on this one since my choice is on your poll. i was considering reducing the amount of texting i do, but i knew there's no way i'd keep that resolution.. so i upgraded my plan instead. ;) for all who know me, know i'd rather text than talk on the phone.. and i text.. alot. hah.
ok. i actually have to comment on this one since my choice is on your poll. i was considering reducing the amount of texting i do, but i knew there's no way i'd keep that resolution.. so i upgraded my plan instead. ;) for all who know me, know i'd rather text than talk on the phone.. and i text.. alot. hah.

My best friend is like that, and I know the only reliable way to reach him is via text so I also chose that option. And I don't see my cell phone usage going down as I use it mostly for work and I'm expecting to be busier this year than ever before. And I REFUSE to address my addiction to online discussion forums! So I exercised more and lost weight last year instead. :D

Definitely going to keep the "Get out and hike more" resolution this year.
I don't smoke, text or use my cell too much, so that's easy. Due to school, work and family I hardly got out at all in 2009, so getting out more won't be a problem, and that'll require more exercise, less beer, and will result in losing some weight, so those're covered. I do pick up litter, regardless. I'm not sure how to interpret the "Hiking Solo" resolution: Am I resolving to hike solo more often, or not at all ?

So perhaps I'll resolve to post less and break that. :eek:
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Long time ago I made a resolution I've never broken and that is not to make any more resolutions which, if you think about it, is broken as soon as you keep it.
Last year I was bad, my resolution to quit smoking only lasted 10 hours, but its worse then that, after a late new years eve party, I was asleep for 9.5 of that 10 hours.:eek: I will try again this year, it would be nice when up over 14k to be able to breath, although Doug Scott (the brit) swears smokers are much better at high altitude because they take gasping for every breath as pefectly normal.;)
"It's easy to quit smoking...I've done it hundreds of times."
--Mark Twain
Long time ago I made a resolution I've never broken and that is not to make any more resolutions which, if you think about it, is broken as soon as you keep it.

I'll try not to think about that too much, or else my head might explode!

I think the idea of New Year's resolutions is kind of silly, but maybe that's because I don't think in terms of calendar years (yet... it might happen). If I have to set a goal for myself, it has to be something quantifiable so that I don't lose track of it before the end. A year is a long time to remember a goal like "drink less beer" or "hike more."

That said, I often make arbitrary goals like "hike more this summer" and then spend way too much time thinking of how to just barely meet the goal. Last summer I set a goal for myself to hike a certain number of miles in July and August. About half of that came in two trips right in the beginning because I figured if I did most of those miles early, I could be lazy for the rest of the summer ;)
I actually have kept my 2001 New Year's resolution to stop smoking (with the exception of the "once in a blue moon" cigar). However, I've been thinking about drinking less and going to the gym more. Sad to say, neither of these are too likely to happen. I prefer to enjoy my life! :D
I can't handle the disappointment of breaking new years resolutions. :( So now I suffer from a poor self-image. Which leads to more drinking, eating, less exercise, and getting out less. (I don't smoke ...yet.) My obsesive cycle of degradation provides me with atypical comfort in my pathetic forlorn little world. :D

I hate cell phones and texting.

I do occasionally, if I'm in the mood, pick up litter on the way to the corner story for my morning six pack of Steel Reserve. My walks are usually solos.

I am committed to doing 4 hours of aerobics a week but that's not a new years resolution so it can't be broken. ;)
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I started early - have only had two beers in the last six weeks, and as a result have lost 12 pounds. I figured it be easier to start early so it wouldn't have to be a New Year's I don't need to make any!

I do need to get out more - last year was quite the paradox...I started a new job, and was so tired by the end of the week I didn't bother trying to get out. It would have been much better for me all around if I had gotten out anyway...both physically and mentally.
Maybe Ill cut back on drinking as well, the ladies at the liquor store ran when I walked in,because they where out of southern comfort, I must have looked freaky yelling in my new mad bomber hat about no S.C.:eek:
Let's see....

Losing Weight- not reduction, just a little redistribution.
Exercise more- Definately, and my fingers are getting a work out at the moment.
Drinking less- Actually, I don't drink enough. I'm going to put in more of an effort here. Maybe increase consumption of cheap vodka and energy drinks.
Stop Smoking- With my lung capacity, one puff would make an 8 mile hike feel like 16.
Get out more- Sure, but where? Ok, I'll go any where as long as there is plenty of cheap vodka.
Hiking Solo- I like solitude. But, you're never alone with a schizophrenic (Ian Hunter, circa 1980-ish)
Picking up litter- ? Sure if I come across it. But, I ain't going looking for it.
Posting less in forums- I'm just an occasional post-e.
Stop texting so much- I don't have a texting plan, and at @.20/text......
Using my cell phone less- Sure, why not. Maybe it will help cut down on man-made global warming. At least that's what Al Gore says....

Happy new year everyone!