Brothers, Coe and Doubletop Trip 1/26 - 1/29

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spencer said:
Sounds like an awesome trip! How was the new bunkhouse?


The new cabin is comfy and cozy. However there's some freaky time/space thing going on.
The first night we thought it was after midnight when it was barely 8pm.
The next night it felt like 7:30 but it was past midnight.
And the last morning it seemed way too soon to leave :confused:

Thanks to all for a trip that was planned well and executed even better!
Let's do it again sometime...
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arm said:
nope ... you're thinking of the old Crew Cabin which was on the west side of the stream

they tore it down ... there are no buildings on the west side of the stream any more

Yes, that's it, with the porch for stashing our skis, etc. But, no more. Thanks for the clarification, arm.
WOW. BSP in the heart of winter?!

What more could a Maine Girl long for?!?!?!

Um, Mean Maine girl that is.


Glad you all had a successful and rewarding trip.

Soon, soon I will get there in winter...
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Hey, thanks everybody for a great first time in Baxter, I had an awesome time with some folks I haven't seen in a bit and had some great trips in between the Brothers and the Katahdin climb with Chip on Feb 2/3rd. I just got home today after the 9.5 hour drive (split into two days) and I still haven't unpacked... I'll do that tomorrow. Wicked pisser of a trip... What else can I say.

I will have pictures of the Brother's trip on in a few days as well as pictures from my 20mileish expedition to break trail to Sentinel on a PERFECT day... I wish I snuck up Katahdin then, really.
