Cabot via Unknown Pond Trail and KRT

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Fisher Cat

New member
Jul 27, 2007
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Trail was very muddy down low, and then spotty wetness up to the Bulge. Had rain, then sleet, then snow atop Cabot. Then it got sunny on the return leg, so we hit the Horn, and the views were fine. Removed 3 blowdowns on ascent approach to Cabot, sorry to say time prevented me from getting the other 3 done.

Foliage was rather nice on the way, especially in Northumberland area and areas of Stark, though they may be past peak by weekend. There are excellent foliage views that may still be there from the Horn. Birch groves along Unknown Pond are beautiful. There were no bridge crossing problems despite what NH website says. That being said, we only went as far as the second bridge where the trailhead is, so we did not go as far as the 3rd bridge.