Camp nasty

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
The recent mention of Camp Nasty by WeRmudfun really got my attention. So today Lauky and I headed not to the mountains but to a swamp in Southern NH.

As was mentioned the coordinates and driving directions were readily available on another website. We followed those directions to the end of the plowed road and headed off. We went around the mound of snow and headed south. We quickly found a trail that seemed to head over to the snowmobile trail and followed it.


As we neared the snowmobile trail we picked up our first cache then turned right and headed down the snowmobile tract.


The temps today were in the low 40s and the snow was a bit soft but the Snowmobile tract was straight, smooth and easy to walk on.


Along the way we got a good view of the swamp.


Walking along the snowmobile tract we picked up another cache and failed to find a third. Then another cache right where you turn into the swamp gave a good indication of where to turn and we headed through the swamp (without getting wet by the way).


After a short walk we got our first view of the Camp Nasty cabin.


When you get up to the cabin one of the first things you notice is the plaque over the door.


Beside the door the hockey puck keeps an eye on you.


Once in the cabin one of the first thing you see is the "Keeper of the house".


The shelves are stocked but some of the items appear to be very old.


If you're lucky perhaps this fellow will be there to greet you


Before leaving we paid a visit to the outhouse...then left.


On another website there are many horror stories about stepping into or even falling into the water. I can say that today we didn't even come close to getting a wet foot. If you can stay on the trail and perhaps follow an occasional pink ribbon you can get there very easily. If you get off the trail I understand that it is horrendous. I will give this hint, if you are into caching and follow the trail of caches it will give you some very good indications on how to get to the cabin. The cabin was so fascinating I think we stayed there at least an hour. The only thing we didn't find that was in the WeRmudfun video was the hunting stand. I'm not sure where it was, but I didn't want to push my luck by whacking out in the swamp so we left it for another time.

Because of the mild temps I did wear my snowshoes today and they were helpful on the connecting trails but totally unnecessary on the snowmobile trail. If you were to go in on a cold day I don't think you would need them right now as the trail is well packed out, but more snow could change things.

Today's hike was quite different, but a lot of fun. Highly recommended.
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Nice report and great pictures. We're glad you found the place, it is unique. Love the picture of Lauky in the doorway. We might try it again in the summer with hip waders. :)
We talked to the guy who put the Spam on the shelf. He said he put it there at least 4 years ago.
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It was definitely a fun time. There are some hikes in the Whites that I've done so many times I don't think a whole lot about them afterwards. But this one has been running through my mind ever since.

As you may have guessed Lauky and I do some caching together. I guess we're "Team" Ed'n Lauky although I just sign Ed'n Lauky. Anyway, yesterday for the first time Lauky made "his" first real cache find. I was at ground zero for one of the caches along the snowmobile trail looking for the cache and not having much luck. I was about to give up when all of a sudden Lauky started digging in the snow and came up with the hidden cameo cache. It had last been found two days before. I can only guess that he picked up the scent of the last one there and started digging.

Needless to say I was really proud of him.:) I've been finding out recently that he's a terrier with a Beagle's nose. After signing the log I put everything back as it was and covered it with snow again.
Cool pics! Lauky sounds like my dog who has an amazing nose for finding his tennis balls he lost last fall buried in the snow, along with some unlucky varmints.

That place has character that's for sure!