canadian wildfire smoke choking the whites...

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Sep 25, 2005
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Epping, NH
Woke up this morning at baldface, and saw some intersting yellow waves of smoke in the sky, and soon after the smell of wildfire filled the air. Visibility is now about as bad as I've seen it in the flies seemingly uneffected!

Hope for a windshift soon...
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I found an article online about the smoke over Maine. "South Portland's fire department says Canadian fire officials told them they have 57 wildfires in the province of Quebec. Nine of those fires are out of control and the wind is pushing the smoke into the Pine Tree State."
Super hazy and smells of smoke here in Campton/Thornton area. Add the clouds of pollen covering everything and you got some real ****** air quality!!
Here's a shot from South Baldface into Evans Notch this morning...

Pinkham Notch looked much the same until midday, we got a little wind shift and vis went from 4 mi to 50 mi.

When I left for work 7:15 this AM, I was thinking the haze and smoky smell were the result of morning campfires at the campground close by.

Across 2 to Gorham, it became really obvious that it was WAY more than just campfire smoke, and it sure as heck wasn't fog.

Jim, I'll have to agree that Black flies appear to like their meat smoked. In spite of a fresh breeze, they were ravenous today.

Was not a nice start to the day, but its much better this evening.

Smoke in the ADKs?

We're seeing clear skies overhead but a low haze over Lake George this morning. There is a definite smell of smoke in the air. Could this be the same as what's happening in NH and Maine?

Pat T
Driving up Rt. 16 to Evans notch yesterday, I started to smell smoke just south of Ossipee. It was obviously a forest fire, but I had no idea it was coming from Canada until I read this.

Once in Evans notch the wind shifted and sky cleared. The views towards Maine were hazy, however looking west and south was clear.
I called my local Sheriff office this morning about the smoke and forest fire smell and they said it was from the fires in Quebec and that it is in all of Rockingham County. They are hoping for a wind shift today.
I can smell it here this morning, just north of Concord, but it smells more like garbage burning than that nice woody smell.
I closed all the windows last night but the smell of smoke pervades the house today. I'm under 3 m atcf from the Franconias and can barely make them out for the haze. Wind shift and rain tonight should take care of it one way or the other.
Wellfleet & Truro on Cape Cod this morning has the obvious burning pine scent lingering in the air. Thick haze, but not sure if it is localized fog or remnants of smoke.

I assumed the smell was local until I read the news, as there were no signs of it late last night.
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It's still pretty strong in Lebanon NH. Up on the hill at DHMC, the haze is so thick you can't see much past Velvet Rocks. The air intake is pumping it inside the lab . . . it smells like an Islay scotch in here :)
I assumed the smell was local until I read the news, as there were no signs of it late last night.

It's been coming and going here. I noticed it yesterday morning at home (Franconia), then it cleared by evening when I was kayaking at Long Pond (adjacent to Moosilauke), but returned overnight and is still perceptible. It's bothering a friend with CF. Volcanic ash...smoke...we are indeed globally connected.
I can smell the smoke here in Montreal.

Yes, The sky is hazy here on the south shore but nowhere near as bad as the photos from the whites..... maybe I shouldn't have run this morning, not good to hyperventilate this stuff in......
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