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king tut

New member
May 2, 2005
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Burlington(just outside of the city)
As with most of my brilliant ideas, this one came to when I was having a couple of beers. I was chatting with my friend Lara about going down to Rhode Island and possibly doing a hike in New Hampshire on the way back. So the plan came to fruition as I packed my bags full of stuff for the beach and stuff for the mountains. Hey, could life get any better?]

We spent the first couple of days down in the southern end of Rhode Island in Sakkonet/Little Compton area. It is a very beautiful area with nice beaches, pretty summer houses, and a quiet pace of life. I think the word "bucolic" comes to mind, not sure if i am using it in the right context, but hey i am gonna throw it in there. I spent the first 2 days playing wiffle ball, ultimate frisbee, and various other mid 20 something sports that used to be easier to play and/or recover from. Sports that are fueled not by energy drinks like gatorade, but rather cans that come with a silver lining.

So after lounging on the beach and taking in the ocean, day three looked like a good day to take a detour off of I-89 and head up New Hampshire to the Franconia notch area. It was fantastic smelling the salt water and hearing the rythmic pounding of the ocean, but I also longed to go climb a mountain, something I had not done in about 5 months. So I convinced my friend Lara to come hike Canon with me. Well, her options were to sit in the car for a few hours or come experience nature! Just kiding, I probably would not have left her in the car....We pulled into the Lincoln area after 1 o'clock and headed into town to grab some sandwhiches for the hike. We stopped at this sanwhich place about 2/3 of the way thru town heading east, and it must have taken about 25 minutes for them to make two sandwhiches, I was starting to get pissed as I saw daylight fading away as the crew working there slowly made our food. It is safe to say that I will not be stopping there for food again.]

We started our hike at 2:15 from the Cannon parking lot with all the lazy tourists getting ready to hike up. It was Lara's first big hike, as the tallest "mountain" she had hiked before were the blue hills in Mass, elevation maybe 600 feet? Long story short, we made it to the top, and the views were awesome! She was very excited as she had never been this high before. It was like watching a kid go into a candy store for the first time. We ended up doing the loop over to the Hi-Cannon trail down to Lafayette campground and then back up to the parking lot. It was a 7 mile hike, 2100 foot elevation gain, and 5 hours of walking. I was excited to get out for the first hike of the year, and she was excited to do her first real hike. The perfect ending to a great weekend. From the sea to the mountains, what could be better?
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