Care for delicate feet

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Sep 4, 2003
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Cambridge, MA
The skin on my feet is far more delicate than when I did my last multi-week backpacking trip. I'm going to try a the long trail in a few weeks. Does anyone have advice on protecting delicate feet? This seems to be the one thing that could derail (or is it de-feat) my efforts.

In the past, I had almost no problem. I carried mole-skin but hadn't used it for five years (since my last long trip with a very heavy pack, before I started lightening up).
Best way to toughen feet for hiking is by... hiking.

Put as many miles on your feet as possible between now and your trip. Carrying a weighted pack for some or all of that "training" will help feet, ankles, legs, etc. to "acclimate".

Moleskin. This is purely opinion, but... I've found Band-Aid Blister Block to be far superior to moleskin for blister prevention when applied to a hot spot or an area where I'm subject to blisters. And because the stuff is sterile, it can be applied OVER a blister.

There was an interesting thread on trench-foot a few weeks back. The bottom line was that it's generally a good idea to keep your feet dry. Can't always do that, of course. When stopped for a break or lunch, I'll doff my boots to let things dry somewhat. Also carry extra socks on a long trip and occasionally switch into a dry pair when my feet start to get uncomfortably damp.