Catskill 35'r patch procedure

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsfield, MA
OK, now that I've hiked all the peaks, now for the hard part..

How do I go about getting a patch for it? Might as well now that I'm done. Going to mail my tally sheet off soon, was wondering if I can do both at once.

Anybody going to the Kingston dinner in April 9th (thanks Dawn!)? Maybe we can get a VFTT table going. :)

Tally Sheet

All I did was fill out the above and mail it in (soon!). Nothing else that you need as far as I know. I gather that it would be an honor system anyway. Us hikers are mostly honest folks.

I've signed in (and GPS'ed) all the canisters and have taken some pictures of myself at canisters for posterity, but they don't need that.

I'm wondering this as well, Jay, since I'll (hopefully) be finishing very soon. I think sending your tally sheet is all you have to do. I believe it's an honor system, as I imagine all peak-bagging lists are. I've kept a journal, mostly for myself, which I may send to the Club just to share my experiences.

I'm not sure if the patch costs anything. (the website isn't terribly informative is it?) I've about three issues of the Canister, and I've never seen info there either. Maybe Dawn, Tom, Mark, Ken or one of our other resident 35ers can help here. As for the dinner, I'll probably be there regardless whether I finish by then, since I'm only 20 minutes away and it should be a good time. I like your idea about the VFTT table.

Sending in the completed tally sheet is the only documentation you need to confirm that you finished the required climbs. It is an honor system and no other proof is needed.

After you send in the tally sheet you will receive a return letter. That informs you of the membership dues. Also included is an order form for patches and other 3500 club merchandise. I believe the patch must be purchased (i.e. not free), but my memory is a bit dim on that.
Jay H said:
Anybody going to the Kingston dinner in April 9th (thanks Dawn!)? Maybe we can get a VFTT table going. :) Jay

You can request who to sit with when you sign up for the dinner. It does help to know the person's real name too! :) The details will be in the next Canister (Feb 2005).

You could also wear a VFTT logo of some sort. The dress code is a little more formal than poly-pro, but people do show up in all manner of attire. Dress shirt and slacks are middle of the road for guys. But suits and ties, and jeans and t-shirts, are worn as well.

See you there!
Mark Schaefer said:
After you send in the tally sheet you will receive a return letter. That informs you of the membership dues. Also included is an order form for patches and other 3500 club merchandise. I believe the patch must be purchased (i.e. not free), but my memory is a bit dim on that.

Correct, you can purchase patches, etc. at a nominal cost.
Thanks Tom. I hope to see you, Dawn, Matt, Ralph&Maddy there. I am going to order a VFTT shirt when I get my lazy *ss off this chair soon so I hopefully will have it for the dinner. I'll post something in trips and events then too and we can figure out something. I hope wearing Devil Horns is considered proper attire.. HAHAHAHAHA... In fact, I suggest that instead of having it in Kingston, we have it at the old Catskill Mountain House... That would be sweet.

Jay H said:
Thanks Tom. I hope to see you, Dawn, Matt, Ralph&Maddy there. I am going to order a VFTT shirt when I get my lazy *ss off this chair soon so I hopefully will have it for the dinner. I'll post something in trips and events then too and we can figure out something. I hope wearing Devil Horns is considered proper attire.. HAHAHAHAHA... In fact, I suggest that instead of having it in Kingston, we have it at the old Catskill Mountain House... That would be sweet.


That would be cool. But, ideally the Dinner should be held at the summit of a 3500' peak!

Unfortunately, none of the peaks are road accessible these days (unless you count ATVs, which would allow at least Bearpen to be the host mountain).

You could at least wear your horns to the social hour! :)
The duties of Membership chair are split between two people in the Catskill 3500 Club. If you are wanting to join the club , have not yet climbed the peaks and would like to receive the hike shedule, a tally sheet and hike with the club, you are known as an aspirant and you should send a $10 dollar check made out to "The Catskill 3500 Club" to:
Judy Weiner
755 Anderson Avenue,#4J
Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
If you have already completed the membership requirements, that is climbing all of the 32 peaks over 3500 feet plus Slide, Panther, Balsam and Blackhead in winter, you should send your check and tally sheet to:
David White
28 Mulberry Street
Clinton, NY 13323
The last I remember, the club patch was $3, they sell them at the dinner.
Jay H said:
Anybody going to the Kingston dinner in April 9th (thanks Dawn!)? Maybe we can get a VFTT table going. :)

That might be cool!...Birdman and I have just finished as well and we are planning on heading down for dinner. See ya there ya'll!
Oh, Wait, the tally sheet tells me to mail to a person in Wyckoff NJ (which coincidentally is only like 15 minutes from where I live).... Now John, you're telling me it should be mailed to a guy in Clinton, NY?

Head, yeah, sounds like a blast. You can bring the video camera and tape the thing for posterity. :)

Hey, thanks Joe... Somebody tell Howie Dash to get his tally sheet off the internet. I printed this out years ago and recently, just before I mailed it, I did try to make sure that it's the right address and went to my bookmark:

As you can see, that URL is still valid and lists the address in Wyckoff, NJ... I shall change the address and mail it out today.

Talking about old tally sheets. The one I started filling out and will submit has an address of Mrs. William Leavitt in Hudson, NY to send my $2 dues to. Remember, I started summiting Catskill peaks in 1970. What makes my tally sheet outdated is that Southwest Hunter is not on it. I have climbed it on Sept. 19, 1992. Now my question is how many Catskill 3500 members have not climbed that peak? Although there is probably no way of knowing since some of the members may have climbed it even though they didn't have to. They might have climbed it after they received their patch to make it official that they climbed all 35 peaks but that wasn't necessary. Questions that could be answered are: When did Southwest Hunter become an official 3500 footer? How many Catskill 3500 members were there when they added Southwest Hunter?

It is sort of like the case of Reddington & Spaulding. I made a trip in 1981 to Maine and climbed at the time all the 4,000 footers in Maine only a few years ago to find out that I have to go back to climb these two peaks. Thus this summer I will be going back to hopefully finish up Maine. To play it safe, I now climb all peaks over 3900 feet. By the way, Can I assume that if I climbed Wildcat "E" and Wildcat "A" and followed the Wildcat Ridge Trail between those two peaks that I can safely say that I climbed Wildcat "D"? Or do I have to go back and redo Wildcat "D" also?
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Aaron, thanks for the memories. That was the address I sent my completed form to when I became a Catskill 3500 member in 1975. Elinore and Bill Leavitt were two of the founders of the 3500 club in 1962. Two very nice and kind individuals.

April 1, 1990 was the date when Southwest Hunter became required. It was announced a year earlier to allow a one year's grace period for aspirants currently working on the list. I believe the membership was over 1000 by that date. I and many active 3500 members had climbed SW Hunter before it was included on the list. It would be hard to estimate how many did or did not climb SW Hunter. A canister was placed on the summit as early as the 1970s.

I remember that Ed West's name for SW Hunter was "No Name". I have always thought that would make a nice ironic name for the mountain and more clever than the current designation. Or maybe "Ed West's No Name" would be even more wry, and also a way to honor a man who had a significant history in the Catskills.