"Cheeky hikers moon Cog"


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Don't forget the flip side (parody of previous posts not intended as a flame; just a reminder that there are two sides to everything, and that they often sound almost the same):

Isn't it awesome that all of the other problems facing the environment are solved and no longer relevant - now we can utilize our resources to protest the true danger to the planet - the cog.


If you could make a list of "1000 bad things that could happen to the air" where, seriously, would the cog be on that list?
TCD said:
If you could make a list of "1000 bad things that could happen to the air" where, seriously, would the cog be on that list?
Pretty low, actually -- it's more of aesthetic thing for most people. The smell, the gross clouds, the coal littered around the tracks. I'm actually somewhat neutral on it: it's there, whatever, they need to clean up more.

I think for some hikers it's also an intrusion, not into their "wilderness" experience, but more they feel it minimalizes the effort they just put hiking all the way to the top of Washington (highest peak in the Northeast -- that means something!) when hey, this dirty, stinky choo-choo will take anyone to the top for a quarter.

-Dr. Wu
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dr_wu002 said:
If you could make a list of "1000 bad things that could happen to you" where, seriously, would "someone mooning you" be on that list? Seriously. There are not many ***** in the world that I'd want to see but their are a helluva lot worse things than seeing one of them... even up close, even like, 2" away from my face.

For some people mooning is a fun thing. For others it might be a form of protest. Some might find it offensive. Some might not care. However, how high in terms of "issues around the world" is mooning the cog that we need to have tax payer dollars go to paying for undercover cops staking out would be cog mooners? What's next? arresting people for peeing in the woods while hiking? Busting people for changing outta sweaty clothes at the trailhead? At some point we have to admit that this is a freakin' shameful waste of resources fussing over something like this when there are real issues in society to deal with.

Busting cog mooners:


This has got to be the dumbest issue that I've ever heard in my entire life. Then again, check out my Thomas Paine quote below.

Maybe it would be best if mooners didn't do this seeing as so many people get offended. But oh, jezz -- undercover stakeouts? Get a grip.

-Dr. Wu

Kind of like wasting 12 pages over two threads on an internet message board discussing it.....
So dr Wu are you calling anyone here on the board that doesn't have a problem w/ cop busting mooners Irrational, Illogical, Irresponsible. If it is such a dumb issue why are you even writing in this thread. Maybe tax payers are offended and they don't mind thier taxes goin to bust a few mooners. There is a lot that my tax money goes to places that I wish it wouldn't, but someone wants it going there. There is no reason to moon the cog none what so ever. It does nothing but make a few others take offense. I think doing something just to offend someone is irrational, illogical and irresponible. Changing your clothes has a purpose... peeing in the woods, well has a purpose. mooning cog... does what?
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ripple said:
mooning cog... does what?
Seems to make a lotta people happy, I guess! Enough people do it! :p

Why do you want to deny poor souls their happiness? Isn't that the logic? "everyone should be happy."

I don't moon the cog, but then again my pants are permanently sewed on.

My goodness, it's just a heinie! A HEINIE!!!

Seriously, I am not a mooner but getting mooned has got to be the funniest thing in the world, in my opinion. It's just such a dumb gesture... imagine aliens observing the human race trying to interpret exactly what it means and what it is trying to convey.

-Dr. Wu
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You know, I remember a few years back someone was writing swastikas in the snow all over the mountains. The swastikas were sometimes accompanied by the typically anti-semitic crap. I realize that snow melts away just as a mooner pulls up their pants but however the image is lasting, I guess. Why wasn't there any undercover cops out trying to catch this goon(s)? Seems like someone perpetrating a hate crime has a little more threat to society than a mooner? Actually, both are probably lookin' for a little attention. When I saw the swastikas I just kinda sighed and moved on, hoping that I didn't run into the person drawing them. It's a weird world we live in.

-Dr. Wu
Considering young kids & senior citizens ride the cog, I suspect many of their customers don't understand this form of recreation or protest.

I personally don't want my kids seeing any adults behind, hairy or not regardless of how far it's walked to get there. (At least while I'm paying, my kids aren't riding the train, even though my 4 year old would love it - going to see Thomas tomorrow)

Protesting the cog by picketing with signs would probably be better if you find the smog offensive & wanted to show your displeasure. (you'd probably need a permit for that though)
Haven't we debated this enough by now?


bikehikeskifish said:
Haven't we debated this enough by now?

Yup, we have.

Remember folks, there are other point of views out there that don't agree with yours. Even if you find them counter to what you believe, there is no reason to belittle them.
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