Chickadee Langauge

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I have some pictures that I will have to post here in the next few days (their still on my digital camera) I was at Mendon Ponds in Rochester NY a few days ago and the chikadees will land on your hands and eat out of them. VERY COOL!!!!!!

Thanks for the link!

Chickadees form flocks for the winter. Just sit down and they will come around you after five min. They could be in flocks with juncos, titmice etc.

a common birding technique is to mimic a screetch owl...a saw whet also works. you will have an angry lound flock around you. They will mob smaller preditors.
Puck said:
a common birding technique is to mimic a screetch owl...a saw whet also works. you will have an angry lound flock around you. They will mob smaller preditors.

Hey, that's cool! I'll have to try that. :D
1ADAM12 said:
Here is the link to the pictures I took last weekend. The chickadee's land right on your hand to eat.
They do that at Marcy Dam, that is until they realize you're trying to give them fruit leathers...they're very volatile.
Another way to entice curious birds is to make a "psch" sound, it really works, a couple of avid birders told me about it.
dms said:
Another way to entice curious birds is to make a "psch" sound, it really works, a couple of avid birders told me about it.

Pishing brings out the birds (chicakdees, many warblers, titmice) because it mimics a distress call that is similar to many species. They will come to you out of curiosity. If you do a screetch owl whinney or trill they will come to you because they are pissed and ready for a fight.

Don't over do these techniques. It can force some birds of thier nests.