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Maybe Ductape will chime in and heck I think it would be his first post. So come out of lurking man hahahahaha

I recall him saying there was one section that when he did it was like ankle deep water I know in the spring it will be deeper. I think I will bring an old pair of sneakers just in case. :p
Rob, I am in, so long as the conditions look good.. I'm kind of wondering about the mud and bugs, it's right by a lake that has a bunch of rivers running around it, prime black fly breeding grounds..



Glad to see your 99% in :D

Mem Day is early this year hopefully that will keep the BLK FLIES at bay. I can handle mud :)
Maybe Ductape will chime in and heck I think it would be his first post. So come out of lurking man hahahahaha

I recall him saying there was one section that when he did it was like ankle deep water I know in the spring it will be deeper. I think I will bring an old pair of sneakers just in case. :p

Funny you say his name adam..i have about 20 PMs' last night back and forth to him and chairock (you will be out near the trail, Dutetape meet him last yr at his camp right on the trail, and hope we too will...maybe trail treats :))
He did say there is a river crossing but shopuld be ok for water, but plan on water shoes just incase...between high Falls and wanakena there maybe a beaver flow to walk around..Im really looking deep into light hiking. Not carrying a heavy pack, only needed things as not to get wipped from the 8-10hrs/ 12-15 mile days...will be around 35#-40# i heavier!!! :(
Jay H.... Is that a jedi Mind trick??? Hovering over the mudd??? :D:D
He did say there is a river crossing but shopuld be ok for water, but plan on water shoes just incase...between high Falls and wanakena there maybe a beaver flow to walk around..

Going clockwise, there's a major crossing at Chair Rock Creek just before connecting to the South Bay Trail. The official site says there's no bridge yet. On August 7th I couldn't safely cross it at the trail, so I went upstream about 10 minutes and still didn't find a crossing. So I ret'd to trail and went downstream to the lake and still couldn't cross. I ended up taking off boots and socks and crossing a few yards below the trail, carefully using poles for balance on uneven bottom. As I was taking off boots, a young couple crossed in the same spot from the other side.

There are at least 2 beaver flows on the old Truck Trail bet'w High Falls and Wanakena. IIRC, they're after the Five Ponds Jct. and before High Rock. With high boots it should be easy to stay dry. If you carefully pick your steps, you may stay dry with low boots. If you're wearing trail runners, you'll get wet.
Going clockwise, there's a major crossing at Chair Rock Creek just before connecting to the South Bay Trail. The official site says there's no bridge yet. On August 7th I couldn't safely cross it at the trail, so I went upstream about 10 minutes and still didn't find a crossing. So I ret'd to trail and went downstream to the lake and still couldn't cross. I ended up taking off boots and socks and crossing a few yards below the trail, carefully using poles for balance on uneven bottom. As I was taking off boots, a young couple crossed in the same spot from the other side.

There are at least 2 beaver flows on the old Truck Trail bet'w High Falls and Wanakena. IIRC, they're after the Five Ponds Jct. and before High Rock. With high boots it should be easy to stay dry. If you carefully pick your steps, you may stay dry with low boots. If you're wearing trail runners, you'll get wet.

Ill be sure to pack water shoes for these areas. I just hope they arent raging rivers!!:eek: thanks for the info.
I use my paddling shoes as they are made to grip well in water and are lace-less (somewhat easy to take on and off) and are also crushable and light. They also double as "camp shoes"

Who needs camp shoes??????? I wander around camp barefoot so the bottoms of my feet get so black they blend right in with the great old Adirondack soil. :D :D :D

They'll conduct heat better that way, too. So you can soak it in while the sun is out, and then have warm feet all through the night. That's exactly how it works, by the way. Science could prove it. :rolleyes:
So does this mean your in the other 10% scott???
i hope to meet up with chairock along this trail. He meet ductape last yr as he has a camp right near chair rock flow i think if memory serves...wil be my longest backpacking trip ever..cant wait...:D :D

Not sure yet - still waiting on timing on the Shanghai trip, but I'm hoping and planning...we'll see.
very early and very limited trail report

On Sunday 3/29/09 on the way back from L. Placid, I decided to take the scenic route back to Canton. I went through Tupper and Cranberry Lake, with a side trip to Wanakena. I looked at 3 trailheads to see how much snow was left.
--Brandywine/Burntbridge Trail ~3 miles east of CL Village: I walked up the trail about 100 yards. The snow on the trail varied from a very few bare spots to over a foot. In the woods, it was still mostly snow but with a larger % of bare spots.
--Peavine Swamp Trail I walked in only to the register. About the same amount of snow, but on a plank crossing of a tiny drainage, the snow was almost 2 feet deep.
--Dead Creek Flow Trailhead from Wanakena to DCF and Jenacks Landing (This trail isn't part of the CL50, but it might be used by those not planning to do the whole 50, or those bailing out.) Pretty much the same as the other two t/h's. Bare patches to several inches of snow, with much less snow in the woods.

I think this is less snow than usual for this time of year. But it's Still Winter*, and as I type this it's snowing in Canton, with Wanakena being 1000' higher and actually in the northern part of the Lake Effect zone.

*Keep in mind that the seasons have slightly different names in the Adirondacks. They are:
Still Winter
Almost Winter
On Sunday 3/29/09 on the way back from L. Placid, I decided to take the scenic route back to Canton. I went through Tupper and Cranberry Lake, with a side trip to Wanakena. I looked at 3 trailheads to see how much snow was left.
--Brandywine/Burntbridge Trail ~3 miles east of CL Village: I walked up the trail about 100 yards. The snow on the trail varied from a very few bare spots to over a foot. In the woods, it was still mostly snow but with a larger % of bare spots.
--Peavine Swamp Trail I walked in only to the register. About the same amount of snow, but on a plank crossing of a tiny drainage, the snow was almost 2 feet deep.
--Dead Creek Flow Trailhead from Wanakena to DCF and Jenacks Landing (This trail isn't part of the CL50, but it might be used by those not planning to do the whole 50, or those bailing out.) Pretty much the same as the other two t/h's. Bare patches to several inches of snow, with much less snow in the woods.

I think this is less snow than usual for this time of year. But it's Still Winter*, and as I type this it's snowing in Canton, with Wanakena being 1000' higher and actually in the northern part of the Lake Effect zone.

*Keep in mind that the seasons have slightly different names in the Adirondacks. They are:
Still Winter
Almost Winter

Friends of mine where just thru janacks to cat MTN. spotty, deep to 3-6 inches fresh as of sunday...needs to dry out or freeze again...:)
Rob, I'm very sorry to hijack your thread for my own personal gain, but I just wanted to throw this out there. The only time I can hike this trail is tomorrow though Sunday. I had two hiking partners, but they had to back out because of work issues. This is SUPER late notice, especially with it being Easter and all, but if anyone wants to hike this weekend, I'd love the company. My email address is tjm88 at inbox dot com. I'll be online late today, so if you're interested give me a shout out.

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