Cliff Mt

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Could you go on Friday 2/25? I need to climb Redfield too. Would you be up for both? How are planning to approach (upper works or adk loj)?
By that time Cliff will hopefully be one of the last 2 or 3 peaks left for me and my son. Weekdays are out for him though.
This will be 43, with only Phelps and Tabletop to climb in the summer. I'd like to try and make it a winter summit but I'm not really working on the W-46.
I'll keep you all posted.
Does anyone know if the winter route has been broken?
Does anyone speak to pin pin, maybe he will blaze the trail for us?
Cliff in Winter.

Hi Alistair, :)

Will You be able to hike every day of the week or only in the middle of the week?

What is your prefer approach from Flowed Land (Winter) or from the usual path near Opalescent Lean-tos?

We have a plan to return in Cliff, but the defenitive day it will be in my plan only after We will hike this weekend.

Please stay in touch.
Have a great day.

Pinpin Junior. ;)
Pin Pin
I can hike any day of next week except Wednesday, and preferably not Thursday. I also fear that I am a much slower hiker than you and I would not want to slow you down.
I would love to climb Cliff via the winter route up from Flowed lands. Do you know if this can been broken? If you plan to break this trail next week maybe I will hold off climbing until next Sunday, March 6th.
Cliff both side!!!

Hi Alistair, ;)

We just go out side after Cliff today.

The path was not broken from the lean-to (summer option) We hiked in around 1 foot of new snow with a good support.

It was too early to go down by the same way, and take the decision to go down by the winter option (Flowed Land)!!! A couple of spruce traps, many time We hiked over egg's shell but with a couple of Ave Maria and the Junior levitation power We have a great time.

Not very far of the Flowed Land We catched a old grove in the snow...Thank You to the amateurs made a attemp probably last Saturday. ;)

We do not recommande to go up by this way the snow did not give a good support but if You like the big challenge, lets go without snowshoes.... ;)

Sorry if We did not give You this information before but We take this decision only this morning. We hope this thing will help You, Have great time.

Pinpin Junior. :)
alistair said:
Does anyone know if the winter route has been broken?
Does anyone speak to pin pin, maybe he will blaze the trail for us?

Why does Alain (Pin Pin) have to do all the work? That's part of the Challenge of the Winter 46, to find the spruce traps, snowshoe in deep snow, finding your own way. I never depended on Alain to do all the work for me. We went out and did it ourselves. :)
You never need help!!!!

Hi Skyclimber2971w, ;)

You are a nice jocker!!! :)

Can You put your eyes in from of my eyes without smile and tell me "I never check the report before I will go for each of my 46 winter peaks and I always hike alone???? :rolleyes:

Have a great day. :D

Pinpin Junior. ;)
You need No Help Either !!!!

Your awesome Alain. Your funny too.
Here goes, just for you:
"I never check the reports before I go for my 46 Winter Peaks." :rolleyes:
I never did either.

I just get half way up Marshall from the swamps, before Alain catches up and breaks the rest of the way up for me. He sees me hanging from a tree on his way down, fighting my way out of a spruce trap. Remember that time?

See you at Winter Gathering the end of March.

Hi Skyclimber2971w, ;)

Sorry I do not remember this exact time... :)

For Junior, every time when I see a snowshoes tracks from him He tell me "We have a rabbit from Us", usualy the rabbit will be change in a turtle...but a couple of time the rabbit was a very good fox...

And when is tranformation was good we need to go in our special reserve to stay in a pool position...

I hope You do not take personnaly my reflection on Who made the 46 high peaks without help, every people have the unlimited possibility, many need to be confronte with the reality before they know what it is them possibility... :)

I hope to toast with You at the winter gattering.

Have a great time... :)

Pinpin Junior. :D
I too, like snowshoe rabbit tracks in the snow. Seems the rabbits stay in clearer passage.

No I do not take personally about other's needing help. I'm guilty to have taken broken trails myself. Just "clowning around" a bit. I know of others abilities being slower. Totally understandable. I may even ask you for help in time, if I ever get to hit the trails again.

I'll toast with you at Winter Gathering, as long as it is a Diet Dew. Don't drink alcohol. Only occasionally. Will make a point to look for you there.
Skyclimber2971w said:
II'll toast with you at Winter Gathering, as long as it is a Diet Dew. Don't drink alcohol.

When is this winter gathering anyways?

I don't drink either but am getting hooked on Mountain Dew LiveWire Orange. Can't put caffeine in Dew up in Canada so most of my trips back across the border go something like this:

Customs Officer: "Anything to declare from your trip"
Shayne: "Two cases of Mountain Dew and a first aid kit"
Customers Officer, not knowing how to respond... "Uh, have a nice night"

But nothing beats this one coming back from Stowe:

Customs Officer: "Anything to declare from your trip"
Colin: "Two pints of Ben & Jerry's" (couldn't get it in Canada at the time)
Customers Officer, with a bewildered look "And where might they be"
Colin points to the ski bag tied to the roof.
Customers Officer, with a big smile: "Have a good night boys"

That was the same trip Colin pulled over to the side of the road and duct taped the hood of his car together to keep it from flying off. That Mazda 323 was quite the road trip mobile.

And now to get back on the thread... Cliff sure is a nice mountain... :eek:

March 26th at the Black Bear in Lake Placid starting at 5:00 P.m. for social hour. Alot of fun. Don't know how to put links in. New to Computers, but Mark Lowell has the agenda listed somewhere in this Forum.
Do you plan to attend?

Cliff is now that Hurricane Floyd created so many views. It used to be totally wooded, not seeing a thing, on top. A few views along the way, but nothing to write the Forty-Sixers about. :eek: Oh well, that's why I learned a long time ago, "that the views weren't everything."
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That would be great. But you need to RSVP and you pay at the door.

If you come, I would like to meet you as well, as I have heard alot about you. All good of course.