Cliff Mt

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I've yet to do Cliff but I think there are 3 known routes(and an infinite # of unknown ones). Flowed Lands, the summer route from Uphill brook and less ascended, the slide, which lies on the SE side of Cliff (18T,582439,4883654) and would be a great summer hike coming from the NE over the height of land between Cliff and Redfield.
Alistair, I bet your hoping to do the Flowed Lands route on top of 6 feet of snow.
Even though we never found the slide, the bushwhack from the Old Marcy Trail to Cliff, was one of the most adventurous climbs I ever did to Cliff. Go for it Neil. You'd love it.
Cliff 3/13

There seems to be more interest in climbing Cliff next Sunday....3/13.... so trip is postponed to allow more climbers to join. The more help breaking the winter trail the better.