Cold Weather Insulation Tape

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Bob Kittredge

Active member
Sep 15, 2003
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Terrified on Webster
My hands tend to get cold pretty easily, and I particularly feel it when I end up holding my poles or my ice axe for long periods. Does anyone have any tricks for dealing with this problem? Is there any sort of foam tape that I could wrap around these items to insulate my hands from their coldness?
I've used duct tape to wrap the head of my ice axe, serving two purposes, one for insulation on metal things and two, well it's duct tape!

Pipe insulation tape is available from most hardware stores. I've heard of using (and am going to try) bicycle handlebar tape.
I use athletic tape for my vertical ice axes but that is more for grip when mantling than warmth. I have seen people use mastic tape. It is padded and does a fairly good job of insulating. Looks like the handlebar tape for road cycles. Of course that is another option.
You have the right idea with "foam tape"

I like to use closed cell foam (like from an old sleeping pad) along with duct tape. Duct tape it's self is not much of an insulator, but closed cell foam is about as good as it gets...
I also, like Frodo, use duct tape and closed cell foam on the top of the axe.

Ive been using vapor barrier gloves for greater warmth as my fingers have suffered some capillary damage over the cold years , but VBL's are another topic.

They The VBLs work and retain warmth but they are tricky to use .
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I've found that if I use the wrist straps on my poles I don't have to hold the grips as tightly and my hands stay warmer. I don't like to use them as my poles can get stuck yanking my arms and shoulders, but when my hands get cold I use them and it helps.
Armacell foam is brand of good quality insulating foam tape. I tused to be available at Home Depot. I am not sure if any foam or foam adhesive is really going to hold up in service, so it might be advisable to wrap the area with foam tape, then cover it with electrical tape.

Then again I have had succes using 3M rubber cement gluing closed cell foam to my swissbob so that may be an option.