Colorado 14ers

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I promise you april wil put you in deep snow and general access to the backcountry can be tough as alot of the trailheads require long road approaches that are not plowed out. The front range and collegiate range is your best bet, but av danger should be a concern. Keep in mind these are open slopes nothing in the dacks or whites compares to the av danger in CO, maybe the ravines on second thought. Your first trip should be in Aug imo.
On the note of altitude, some have no problem aclimating but from your post your cutting it thin and imo how fit you are has less to do with your ability to aclimate that you might think.
The info is great. As much as I like snow, it sounds like April/May may be too early.
Absolutely right about the av hazards a factor not to be fooled with.
The list of Climbs has been a great help. I am suprised at how many are single approach and not neccesarily ridge or connecting lines.
The 14ers website is a model, photo routes and panarams only add to the challenge of planning this one.

Keep moving up I guess!!

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yes its true alot of peaks are done as singular ascents, yet there are many combo's that allow you to bag more then one peak. The easiest is known as the "Decaibron" this hike ascends Mt. Democrat then traverses to MT. Lincoln then traverses to Mt.Bross forming a loop. This is considered easy by many, but there are currantly issues with access unfortunetly that hopefully will be resolved soon. I will list a few "combos" that I have done that I would highly reccomend.
1. Mt. Shavano and Mt. Tabeqauche via blank gulch ( Sawatch Range).
2. Mt. Harvard and Mt. Columbia via horn fork basin ( Sawatch Range).
3. Gray's and Torrie's standard route ( I-70) ( Front Range).
4. Redcloud and Sunshine standard route ( San juan Range).
5. Belford and Oxford

On another note depending on your time, there are some great "easy" 14ers you may try to get your feet wet.
1. Mt. Bierstadt
2. Mt. Quandry
3. Mt. Sherman
4. Mt Huron
As someone already suggested Gerry Roaches book "14ers hikes and climbs is the book you should use. Ive spent alot of time in Co, if you need camping beta or peak info, feel free to ask or pm me and Ill do what i can.

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