Columbus weekend in Adirondack High Peaks

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Oct 7, 2004
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Happily, I just found this forum. I'm heading into the High Peaks Region of the Adirondacks this weekend (in two days.) I'll spend two nights and three days backpacking.

Other than wanting some nice peak views and lesser travelled trails (if that's possible over the Columbus Day weekend!), I'm not yet settled on my loop. I'm using the latest version of the ADK High Peaks Region book, but would love suggestions from your more Adirondacky-travelled souls. Moderate challenges, nothing too severe!


I saw your post too late to be of help. I hope you had a good trip, wherever. The weather sure looked good. I am headed out tomorrow for three days in the West Canada Lakes area.

A few suggestions for three day loops that provide access to the peaks. From South Meadow head down to Marcy Dam to Avalanche Pass and Flowed Lands. Livingston Point Lean-to is a nice spot and fairly secluded considering it's the high peaks. Then out via Calamity brook to Upper Works and the Indian Pass Trail. There are at least four lean-tos to hole up at. There is a link trail back to South Meadow from the ADK parking lot.

Another would be around the Seward range from Coreys using the Calkins Creek, N-P, and Blueberry Trails. A detour to Duck hole is a must. You could also reach Duck Hole from the Upper Works and do a similar loop.

Good Luck

Though late, I appreciated your suggestions.

As it turned out, I went in at Upper Works and hiked to a little used trail that goes up the southwest side of Mount Marshall. There's a lovely brook flowing down that side of the mountain and I found a delightful, mossy spot well off the trail to set up home.

I had wanted to loop around to Indian Pass, but I was actually shy of three full days, since I had to be back in Manhattan partway through Monday, so I didn't do a loop afterall, checking out the way I checked in.

The weather, though not as nice as they predicted, was not uncomfortable, though a bit wet the whole time. But a well-setup camp goes a long way toward mitigating many issues related to poor weather, so I was happy.

I'm not familiar with the West Canada Lakes area. Fill us in on your return.

Kind regards

West Canada Lakes are in the mid section of the Northville-Placid Trail. They could be arguably the most beautiful in the Adirondacks. Besides the N-P itself there are reasonable approach trails from Moose River Plains ( ADK's West Central Guide) and the Pillsbury Mt Trailhead ( ADK's Central Guide) Whatever approach you choose allow for at least three days. Plenty of nice campsites and good lean-tos. Our Trip did not go so well, my buddy showed up a bit lame and questioned if he could haul a full pack. Instead we opted to camp at Fish Creek State Park and day hike. About 29 miles of hiking trails into beautiful ponds in the St Regis-Tupper Canoe areas was a great diversion. As they say take what mountains will give you.

Tom ( Antlerpeak)

There's so much to discover about the Adirondacks. So far, I've only looked into the High Peaks area. I'll take a look at the Central and West Central Guide books this winter. It'll probably spring before I get back out again anyway as a prep for hiking in Glacier National sometime next summer.

I think your buddy was very wise. It's so easy to 'toughen up' and, as a result, do damage either to body or travelling companion. You're so right about taking what is given. I'm happy to hear it worked out for you both.

I spent the last two weeks working on a deck ( back porch ) and some siding replacement. Havn't had much chance to read or post here. Those lake hikes were nice and it is always good to see something new. We did a couple of long loops north of Tupper near Lake Clear. Fairly level and several big lakes we saw a lot of attractive camp sites along the way. Have a great time in the west My buddy and I fell in love with the Cascades. From what I hear Glacier is really nice.
