Come Hike Moosilauke (my final NH 4K) with me Jan 29th

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If I can brainwash Charlie and his daughters to drive up, hike and then
get back to Hudson, NH for a school concert at night, then we can make it.
Any good brain washing ideas?
Now I can't make it seem as I gots ta run on home to show a film. Sure hope peeps can make both!

48 is REALLY on the 29th now.. Both Seem and the film! WHAT A COINKIDINK!

Extended forecast doesn't look too bad. I'd like to join if there's room for another. No question about whether the dog can come, he has to sit out real hikes for a while due to an injury.

Anyone want to carpool from MA? I'd be going 202 N to 89 S to 93 N.
I am there

Hey Seema,

I plan to join you. I'll probobly try and come up Friday nite and camp someplace. (Anybody else thinking of camping on Friday??)

Have you decided on a trail yet?

Just to update those who are not on my email list . . .

I am still looking into lodging options for Friday and Saturday nights and have a couple of leads Thanks to Audrey and Bob and Geri . . . I will need to recount the number of folks wanting lodging for Saturday night as some are going to head to Derry for Sherpa John's "48" movie . . . as of right now I am still hoping to get a "cabin"/house with running water, heat, etc and can keep those interested in the loop.

As far as hiking, the group looks like it might be quite large so we may want to consider hiking separate trails and meeting at the top. I am looking to hike to Glencliff Trail and summiting around noon so that most folks can be back to the cars by 4-5 pm and thus make it to Derry on time. If people want to either email me or use this thread to coordinate which trails and start time that would be fine. I am hoping to get on the Glencliff Trail by 7am, giving me plenty of time to mosey to the top in my usual moseying fashion :) :)

Can't WAIT . . . . SO VERY EXCITED :) :)

Glen Cliff Trail Rules!

Good luck on No. 48, Seema. My Glen Cliff Trail adopter partner, Steve Martin, removed most of the blow downs last week, so you should have clear sailing up this fabulous trail and mountain. I must focus on my remaining NH4s for winter 2004/05, and this winter I hiked Moosilauke early on in the project.
Dr. Dasypodidae,

Thank you . . . and please Thank Steve for his hard work :)

And for anyone who is not on my email list (Dugan, Dalraida, etc) but wants to join in on the hike please send me an email so I can add you to the list and email you the final details. Gonna be a blast :)

If there's not too many would love to join.

I'm a newbie to Views From the Top, but would love to join in a hike to Moosilauke on Saturday the 29th and get to meet some fellow hikers of the Whites.
Have a great time!


How exciting to have followed the run up to your final 48. You;re lucky to have Kroto as a bud, his kinetic energy and enthusiasm is wonderful.

Congratulations and have a great time! YOU GO GIRL!

We should get you one of those Greek olympic head wreath things to wear at the premiere. :D

Looks like you'll have pretty nice weather for tomorrow! I can't make the Moose hike, but I just wanted to say congratulations and have a great day hiking :) :) .

-Dr. Wu
Thanks everyone !!! I hope it goes smoothly :) :)

Who would have EVER guessed that just over a year ago I used to hike solo most all the time . . . My parents were just commenting that one should be careful what they wish for because now I don't hike solo hardly ever BUT I also am NEVER home because I am hiking all the time instead of every other weekend like before :)

Can't wait for the much awaited "Moose" (my favorite animal BTW) and the company of so many of my good friends . . . will miss those of you that can't make it
